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chapter 10

"No way I totally think Elijah would win!" Caroline reasoned, gulping down her fifth shot of whiskey.

"Okay but Klaus is some crazy wolfy vampire thingy! No way could that suit guy beat him." Josh said, already on his seventh, and borderline drunk.

"Oh, I have the best idea! Let's dance!" Caroline yelled tugging Josh by the hand and pulling him onto the dance floor as the song 'Party in the USA' came blasting through the electronic speakers.

"I still can't believe you convinced me to go to a strip club!" Caroline shouted as she started moving around wildly, her body swaying to the beat.

"Well some of us don't need compulsion to convince people." He shouted back, eye-sexing a stripper with a bow tie on.

"Hell yeah!" Caroline said as suddenly Josh pushed her into a man that he saw eyeing her up all night.

Glaring at Josh Caroline mouthed,

What the heck!

And his reply was a smug,

Get that ass!

Caroline pushed back against the man's chest and moved back towards Josh, grabbing him by his collar and pulling him close.

"I can't believe you! What about-" Caroline whisper-yelled.

"What about who? Tyler? Klaus? Both of them suck!" Josh yelled back, pointing to a guy with curly black hair, "Look at him. Rebound. Perfect for getting over an evil hybrid and a cheating boyfriend."

"You know what your right!" Caroline said, kissing Josh's cheek and sauntering over to the man.

Tapping his shoulder gently Caroline ran the tips of her fingers down his hard, defined chest.

"Hey, I'm Care."

"I'm Luca." He replied flirtatiously, grabbing her waist and stroking her back.

Caroline smiled before guilt started flooding through her body.

She felt like she was betraying Klaus. Yeah, they weren't together but-

"You know what no! Klaus is just a lying jerk who doesn't care about anyone!"Caroline yelled as Luca kissed her neck and grabbed her ass.

Caroline felt sick to her stomach and was about to push him away when a fist hit the man in the face.

Caroline was pulled back by a not-so-happy Klaus. Well, more specifically an angry Klaus that looked ready to tear the man in half.

Caroline gave a shit shit shit help! Look to Josh who simply responded with a terrified face.

They were in so much trouble.

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