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                                                       chapter 8

"Davina my friends are probably worried sick. I have to go back." Caroline said.

"If they cared about you then why haven't any of them wondered or cared you aren't there, why aren't they here." Davina shot back.

Caroline went silent. The words slowly processing in her brain. She knew no one had come but she still thought maybe they'd tried to reach out.

But realistically no one had.

"And besides it's still not safe for you as long as Marcel wants you. That man is a hot piece of ass but he will not stop until he gets you two." Josh interjected.

Caroline sighed in defeat, "Fine I'll stay one more week for safety reasons. But I do not want to stay in this house."

"Caroline we have too. This is the only place with constant protection."

"I agree with Davina, Caroline. Besides the beds here are A DREAM" Josh said while jumping up and down on the guest bed.

They all sat in different places in Caroline and Davina's 'room' or more so the guest room in the Mikaelson Mansion.

Klaus has insisted Caroline and Davina share a room for Caroline's protection. Even if Caroline assured him she could protect herself, that she wasn't the damsel in distress he thought she was. But after the fight, they had Klaus only ever spoke to her when necessary.

And as much as she hated to admit it, that hurt.

"I'm gonna go get some blood. Besides Caroline agreed to help me with  controlling the urges." Josh said, stopping when Davina started getting up, "you have to stay here. It's not safe, especially when every witch wants you dead for the harvest." He said the word 'harvest' like he was saying a ghost story.

"Yeah and besides it's not gonna be pretty. Even I cry sometimes when I have to feed on a bunny!" Caroline jokes, wiping away invisible tears while standing up. Even if Davina was a bit upset she was happy to have time to draw.

And so Caroline and Josh went out the doors, directly breaking Klaus's rules.

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