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                                                      chapter 3

Caroline woke up in a small attic. There was a canopy bed with a bunch of painting stuff. Her memory was fuzzy but it slowly came back to her as Caroline realized how she got here


Caroline jumped as she heard a snap of wood. Quickly jumping into action Caroline spoke, "Klaus someone's here!"

Suddenly a dark figure flashed in front of her and stabbed a wooden shard into her gut, causing her to drop the phone and crumple to the ground.

A foggy voice was heard from the phone but the buzzing in Caroline's ears was too much.

"Why?" The blonde asked.

"Blame Klaus sweetie." A man with dark skin replied with venom on his lips.

And then yellow and black spots fogged her crystal blue eyes.


"W-who are you?" Caroline asked a girl with dark brown hair that was scribbling on a canvas.

"Davina." The girl said, not even glancing at the blonde.

"Why am I here?"

"Because you were unfortunate enough to know Klaus."

"Oh." Caroline looked down, tears filled her blue eyes as she glanced at the door, running to open the door she realized it wasn't budging.

"It's been spelled."

"I'm going to die and I didn't even get my senior prom!" Caroline yelled, stomping her foot angrily.

"What do you mean?" Davina suddenly stopped painting and moved towards the girl.

"I'm only 18. I was going to have a prom and a senior year and now I'm getting killed just because some hot British dude fancies me!" Caroline yelled. Tears started to gather behind her eyes.

"That makes two of us." The witch said in a gloomy tone.

"What do you mean?" Caroline inquired while sitting on the canopy bed. She trusted to small girl for some reason.

"it's a long story."

"Well good thing I'm your prisoner because now I've got time!" Caroline's attempt to lighten the mood fell short as Davina took a walk down memory lane, finally getting to the current situation.

"Marcel just wants to use you as leverage to get Klaus to back down, he wouldn't hurt you."

"You do know what happens to leverage if Klaus doesn't back down right? I go splat!" Caroline said her eyes as wide as saucers. Her hands going up in the air to prove her point.

Davina considered this.

"I won't let them hurt you."

Caroline smiled and hugged the smaller girl, "Maybe being on my death bed with a stranger won't be so bad."

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