There's No Love

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Fukase tapped on the cup on his hand and nipped on it. He frowned once the hot liquid burned his lips. He and Oliver have been walking around in the botanic garden of their university, but the coffee wouldn't cool down. Fukase buried his mouth back in the fold of his scarf. He sacrificed his lunch break to follow along the blond spontaneously, but didn't expect them to stay outside for so long. He was freezing and Oliver hasn't spoken up ever since they got their drinks.

Fukase glanced over to his counterpart and pulled their intertwined hands into his coat pocket. He could barely feel his fingers at this point. A smile formed in Oliver's face.

"Why did you drag me here again?" Fukase murmured through the cloth, "I want to go back inside. It's cold."

Oliver took a sip of his coffee, making Fukase feel a hint of jealousy that he could already drink the broth.

"I wanted to talk to you alone for a bit." He looked over to the redhead, finding him with a deep frown. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad. In fact, it's quite nice. I've just been too embarrassed to talk about it in front of our friends."

Oliver grinned to himself and looked back on the path. His eyes wavered across the sparse greenery. Fukase checked on his counterpart a little longer and then dedicated his attention on the building to their left; they started to turn back to the cafeteria again.

"You don't have to be embarrassed," Fukase said eventually, hoping to push the blond to speak up again. As much as he usually enjoyed silent moments between the two of them, his mind revolved all about saving himself from the nagging cold.

"I'm not around you. It's probably unnecessary to sort this out anyways, but you know me. I just need a double-clarification."

Oliver emptied his cup and threw it in the next bin, his hand shaking slightly. Fukase couldn't tell whether it was from the cold or nervousness.

"I mean, we've been seeing each other for so long and all, it's almost painfully obvious, but," Oliver stuttered, subconsciously squashing the hand intertwined in his. He laughed awkwardly. "I just wanted to ask you directly whether we're official now."

Fukase froze in his movement, dragging Oliver along with him into a halt. Shocked over the sudden confession, the redhead merely stared in his counterpart's eyes, slowly processing the situation. He received a short laughter and Oliver scratched his neck.

"I guess you must be flustered. I know this is awkward, but I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page."

Fukase lowered his gaze down on the floor. His hand around Oliver's loosened his grip as he stammered for the right words. "That's...not it."

As much as he didn't expect the confession to be coming now, he knew there would be one eventually. Even so, he couldn't compose himself just as easily as imagined and rattle through the conversation.

"," he stuttered out eventually, still not daring to look up, "I wouldn't like that."

Oliver's hand slid out of his pocket, and Fukase bit his lip, suddenly feeling uneasy. There was a moment of silence no one dared to say a thing, but the blond couldn't carry it on for long.

"What do you mean 'no'?"

Fukase sighed and straightened his back. His initial shock has worn off and he started to slowly feel his limbs again. Looking back up, he focused on Oliver, who retorted him a pained frown.

"It's just like I said it. I can't."

"Why can't you? What's keeping you from it? Have you been seeing someone else?" Exclaims patterned down on him and Fukase only shook his head slowly. "Then what is it? We've been dating for so long. Why the sudden stop?"

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