The Warmth of a Loved One

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"Fukase, shouldn't we be getting up already?"

Oliver's quiet voice resonated through Fukase's head, making him lift his head lazily and rummage through the layers of blankets underneath him. Eventually, he found his phone all warmed up from lying on it all this time. The time indicated early afternoon. With a hum, Fukase stuffed his phone into the pocket of his pants and snuggled his face back into the hollow of his pillow. The warmth meeting with his cheek once again made him smile in content. A small yawn escaped his throat.

"Hmm...didn't we a few hours ago?" Fukase retorted half-asleep and pulled Oliver even closer. Blond hair strands tickled his nose as he leaned closer to his lover, who was snuggled against his chest. 

"For a ten-minute breakfast? Yes...but that's all."

Fukase chuckled slightly at Oliver's subtle protest. The latter wasn't one to be able to lie still for a longer period of time. Their cuddling time that stretched over almost half the day already strained the blond's nerves. However, Fukase couldn't give in to that request so easily. The current was too beautiful for him to let go quickly. Instead, he placed several small kisses on Oliver's head and nose, quieting him down by flooding him with affection. Fukase drew figures on the blond's back and sighed relieved. There was not a single thing better than spending time with Oliver. Especially now, the warmth emitting from Oliver embraced Fukase with such a huge impact, he didn't wish for anything else in the world right now. All he wanted was to have Oliver so close to him to all times.

Fukase's thoughts drifted off into thinking about his lover more. And the more he did so the more he got overwhelmed with different emotions. All the memories and feelings linked to Oliver were a lot to process, leaving Fukase in small tears that formed in the corner of his eyes. The redhead wrapped his legs around Oliver's hips, closing the last gap between the two.

"I love you so much, darling." Fukase's voice was quivering, which left Oliver surprised and he looked up confused at the sudden change of mood. He watched Fukase smile widely but with a frown. Oliver had to frown as well. He had a feeling what suddenly happened to his lover. Also he now tightened his grip around his counterpart and pressed his head against Fukase's chest. The regular heart beat bumping against his ears reassuring him a bit.

"Stress really isn't easy on you lately, huh?" Oliver whispered and closed his eyes. He lift up his head again to leave faint pecks over Fukase's arm, however, quickly slowing down again as he noticed Fukase's scarred arm twitching from discomfort of the sensitive touches. Oliver crawled upwards to the same height level of Fukase and pulled the redhead in to a passionate kiss. He noticed Fukase sighing against his lips in-between and Oliver chuckled lightly.

"Hey, stop that. Don't think about it now." Oliver leaned in again and placed a peck on Fukase's nose. "I love you very much and don't want to see you down now."

"I'm not feeling down," Fukase said, opening his eyes now. Their glances locked and entangled them both in the moment. "I'm just thinking of how grateful I am for having you with me."

Fukase hugged the blond tightly and hid his face in the shorter one's neck. His voice was muffled and his breath tickled Oliver, making him freeze in surprise at the sudden confession.

"I'm so happy you're here with me, just lying in bed. I love your warmth, I love your touch, your voice, your everything. I just love you so much, I don't know what to do with all this."

Oliver's face flushed in a deep red after hearing this. He was used to be awash with affection every now and then, and yet, it threw him off guard every single time. Oliver had to smile when a funny feeling spread in his stomach area. Fukase knew how to make charming compliments.

Both of them rested like this for a little longer, however, not much after the excitement in Oliver wore off again and he finally wanted to get out of the bed. Fukase groaned in protest as the blond's warmth left him on his own in their bedroom. Yearning for his lover's presence already, also Fukase found his way out of the bed eventually and yawned once again. How much he loved weekends like these. 

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