Behind Closet Doors

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Coldness. Fukase was rubbing his arms in attempt to warm himself, but he would not stop shivering. Strikes of coldness travelled across his body and he clenched his teeth. With eyes squinted shut, Fukase tried to blend out his surroundings. He didn't want to find himself huddled up in his closet, he didn't want to hear the yelling echoing from the room next door, and he definitely didn't want to hear these voices belong to no other but his parents.

Considering the frequency, one might assume the redhead would get used to hear his parents fighting, and even so, it disturbed him every single time. Subconsciously, he found himself reacting on instinct. Hiding was the most plausible solution. 

Just as Fukase slowly calmed down again, his body and mind obeyed his will. His body was still shivering from the coldness of the atmosphere. Mixed with his fear, he felt lost. To times like these, he yearned for comfort the most. Imagining himself to be somewhere safe was difficult, though. The occasional sounds of broken objects disrupted his thoughts. No matter how much Fukase tried, reassuring warmth merely stroke his arms.

With a shaky sigh, Fukase reached for his phone in his pocket. The bright screen hurt his eyes, but he did not bother lowering the brightness. Instead, the redhead immediately checked on the messenger. A bolt of disappointment hit Fukase as he noticed for his boyfriend to not be online. 

Fukase hesitated for a bit, debating with himself whether he should contact Oliver. He recalled the reassuring words of his lover that he could always talk to him. Despite Fukase's concerns in bothering Oliver, he couldn't help but reach out to him.



What's up

Fukase hesitated for a second. He wasn't sure how to word his thoughts. If he were to explain, pictures of thunderstorms popped up in his head. Heavy thunder with aggressive lighting bolts crashed onto the ground, taking a few houses with them. The more he thought about it the more devastating was the scenario. Fukase decided to keep it subtle.

Not much. What are you doing?

Hmm, nothing mcuh

What's wrong


Why are you asking?

I guess you can call it intuition

mr I-text-formally-whenever-something's-up

Despite feeling miserable, Fukase couldn't help but smile weakly. Oliver's sharp sense of his surroundings made him feel comforted. There was at least someone who paid close attention to him.

Just feeling down again



Is it your fam again?


Aww baby

That sucks

Can I feel loved again?

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