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Only in his subconsciousness Fukase noticed the squeaking sound of the chair he was sitting on. Nervously the redhead shifted around and fumbled on his keychain. Usually with this tiny object resting in his hands he was much more relaxed, imagining it wished him luck. Now it didn't help him much. His eyes wandered around the room, not a certain spot to concentrate on and without notice he kept on biting his tongue that had started to bleed at some spots.

Fukase gasped and jumped as he heard the door opening. All at once his eyes focused on the person entering and his once shaky breathing normalized again. As he leaned back in his chair the other one took a seat next to him and sighed.

"Why are you still here? Do you want to be late?"

Fukase shook his head and bit his lip. He wasn't too sure himself why he acted like that. At those moments he missed his confident self that showed up at times.

"I can't do this," Fukase managed to breathe out as he felt an arm wrapping around his neck. The warm breath of the other one tickling his skin made him sigh embarrassed of his behavior.

"Why are you so nervous, Fukase? It's just an interview."

"Yeah, 'just' an interview with your father!" Fukase yelled in panic as he thought about the scenario that would occur sooner or later. "Oliver," Fukase mumbled and grabbed the other one's hand shaky. He knew his own hands were already covered with a thin layer of cold sweat, but he needed the warmth of the other one at the moment.

"What if he doesn't like me? I'm such a pale, deformed creature. I wouldn't blame him for looking at me in disgust."

The ginger wanted to continue, but felt his head being pushed to look into the golden orbs he always loved to look at. Those were filled with a strange mixture of worry and emptiness, it confused the redhead.

Softly Oliver stroke over the scarred half of his counterpart and sighed, closing his eyes in silent.

"Why are you so self-conscious? Usually you aren't like that. You know your scars are not a curse or anything, they're a part of you. If my father doesn't like it, it means nothing. There are other people who do."

"But I want to apply for a job after all. I understand that he probably won't let me work with customers, but what if he doesn't even want me sitting behind one of his high-tech computer?"

"Then it's just how it is. There are also other businessmen needing someone intelligent like you." Oliver pecked Fukase's nose and stood up to get his outdoor clothing. Fukase followed him closely and dressed himself as well. He forgot about his nervousness for a moment, but instead he was distressed once again.

"If this doesn't work, I have to work abroad." Oliver put Fukase's hat on his red hair and smiled. "I'll follow you."

Oliver had decided to accompany Fukase. He even insisted to drive as he didn't want the nervousness of the other one causing any trouble. Between those two was complete silence, allowing Fukase to get back into his previous pattern.

"Do I look much gay?" Fukase suddenly asked and Oliver rose an eyebrow, his eyes fixed on the street. "Excuse me?"

"Your father is homophobic, isn't he? I don't want to risk anything."

"The hell it matters what person you feel attracted to. He should have realized how many people he had already lost because of that." Oliver went quiet again and Fukase bit his lip as he saw what topic he had mentioned once again. After some seconds of silence Fukase lowered his head. "Do you miss him?"

Oliver gritted his teeth irritated and sighed. "We're here for a job application and not for a family meeting. That's exactly the reason why I'm staying in the car. Just pretend you don't know 'his gay disappointment' in form of his son."

Fukase put his hand on top of Oliver's that was resting on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I should really shut up."

The blonde shook his head and smiled weakly. "You're sometimes an airhead, that's it. Just go inside there and show then what you can do."

Fukase rolled his eyes and groaned. "Don't treat me like a child."

"Then don't be whiny like one." Oliver chuckled and stopped to car. On their right a huge building signaled them they had reached their destination. Fukase unlocked his belt and reached for his bag containing all the necessary documents. He took a look at Oliver who smiled mischievously.

"Are you less nervous now?" Fukase pouted and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You've got a strange way to distract people."

With those words Fukase got out of the car and to the huge building, stroking his suit neatly again. Oliver was right - he'd do it the way he always did.

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