The Warm Breeze of a Summer Afternoon Part 2

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Upset Fukase went the hall of his apartment up and down. He tried to proceed what had just happened between him and Oliver but it didn't help. He has already realized that he had hurt Oliver. He didn't know what to do with all his anger, he already shook extremely.

"You're a fucking idiot!" Fukase shouted to himself and slowly sank to the ground. He rested his head against the wall after he had punched it several times. He held his eyes closed and sobbed one time. He wasn't angry about Oliver, he could never be. Never would this beautiful person do anything wrong. Fukase was angry about himself. There was no reason and still he lost his temper and shouted at the most precious person to him. It's not like he didn't yell at people, of course he did. But why did he react so upset about this all? They weren't even really fighting, just a little disagreement. So why did it almost rip his body apart seeing those shocked eyes of Oliver?

Fukase opened his eyes again and looked at his hands. Of course, he knew the reason. He had fallen for this boy, he had fallen for this pure angel. The first time he met Oliver he was already sure that they'd be really close but he would've never thought that he actually fell in love. At first it was this cute smile that warmed his heart and then it went on. Every single movement became somethig precious to him. He promised himself to protect Oliver from all this cruelty in this world. No harm should ever change this little boy. He would protect him until his last breath but still he hurt him. He was the one who hurt his precious angel.

"Why am I such an idiot?" Fukase whispered and a single tear drifted down his face. He could have avoided that. Oliver noticed that, what has bothered him the past days. But Fukase didn't want him to know, not like that. He loved the blonde boy and he needed to tell him. Whether acceptance or rejection, it didn't matter. He needed an answer immediately. With every passing day where he didn't know the answer he died a little inside. He never thought that onesided love would hurt that much. He tried to hide it, but it was painful. The time with Oliver was always a joy but at the same time he could feel thousands of knives stabbing his hearts. To know the person you love would never belong to you was unbearable. He wanted to tell him, but he didn't know how. This bugged him every single minute. It was hard enough to supress the urge to hold and kiss the blonde boy and with this problem he hoped for a relief from his suffering. He loved Oliver, so much it hurt.

Fukase looked up and saw Point sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked at his owner confused who sighed. A weak smile appeared on his face and he crawled towards Point to pet him. Fukase felt his last nerve crushing and he hugged his pet tight and broke down on the floor. He heard his own sobs and sniffles and felt even worse. Tears were streaming down his face and still all he wanted was Oliver's warmth right next to him.

After some time he calmed down out of exhaustion. His head was empty, he didn't know what he should do now. Usually he wasn't a crybaby so he wiped the last tears angrily out of his face, which was swollen because of his crying. Slowly his body got colder and he froze. Laborious he sat up and leaned his head against the edge of his bed. He had terrible headache and he felt dizzy. After some minutes he stood up with his legs shaking. Point clung on his coat and tried to comfort his owner. Fukase smiled weakly once again and looked at his pet. Point was always by his side, no matter how he behaved. He could be happy to have such a loyal pet.

Fukase went into the kitchen and drank some water while he was thinking what he should do now. Finally he had an idea. It would be a challenge for him but it was the only way out. He wanted to smile again but more important was that Oliver would smile again. 

The red haired boy searched for a sheet of paper and wrote a little note on it. Before he went outside, he checked himself in the mirror. He looked awful but it would take some time until his skin would look normal again. He couldn't wait and didn't care if somebody saw him in the corridor. Quietly he opened his eyes and looked around, nobody was in sight. With shaky steps he made his way to Olivers room which was nearly at the other end of the corridor. There he thought of knocking and giving the little boy the note personally but he pushed it unter the door slit to his room instead and went of again. He needed to calm himself down on time and maybe a short nap would help.

Oliver opened his eyelids as he heard a sound. He had fallen asleep, he didn't knew for how long. His first view after waking up, was his bird flying around in front of the door excitedly. Then he grabbed something with his claws and flew to Oliver. The boy sat up, rubbed his good eye and let out a small yawn. He totally forgot about what happened before he fell asleep, he was still too tired to remember.

"What do you got there, James?", Oliver asked with a smile and wondered why his face was so wet. Now he remembered and his mood changed again. He let out a sad sigh and James hurried up to give Oliver the note he had fetched up from the floor earlier. Oliver took the piece of paper and read the written words. He went quiet. His brain needed awfully long to understand what was standing there and he held his breath as he understood.

'Oliver, I need to talk to you. Let's meet up at the grass at 5pm.'

The blonde boy knew it was Fukase. Who else had something to discuss with him? Actually Oliver didn't feel like talking again but he knew that Fukase wanted to excuse himself, he knew his friend too well. Also he would say sorry. He actually wanted to help Fukase but made it even worse. Maybe his curiosity made things rather complicated. Oliver shook his head, he shouldn't fall into deep thoughts again. 

Looking at the clock that hung on his wall he saw that he had only one hour left. He thought about what he would do until then. He didn't want to continue to sleep because he was totally out of it when he woke up earlier. His gaze went to his bird who was watching him while sitting on Oliver's knee. A big smile appeared on Oliver's face. His bird was the cutest and most helpful pet he ever heard of. For nothing in the word he would give him away.

"How about some fruits, James? Would you like that?"

The bird started singing again and Oliver had to laugh. He walked to the kitchen and cut some fruit into the right size and fed his bird with it. He watched James struggling with a grape and chuckled.

Time seemed to not fly at all. Oliver hung on his couch bored and didn't knew what to do. He was too unconcentrated to work on a song or do anything that needed some intelligence. He was happy enough he didn't cut himself while cutting the fruits earlier. His bird sat in his cage and had fallen asleep so his whole room was completely quiet.

Event though he had ten minutes left he went to the place Fukase and he had been sitting. It wasn't that hot anymore but still warm enough, so Oliver let his sailor coat at home and went on with his white shirt. He was surprised to see somebody already waiting there for him. His thoughts were right, it was Fukase and he gave Oliver a weak smile. In general he looked tired and Oliver gulped. He sat beside Fukase and both looked around before Oliver started the conversation.

"You see, I'm sorry. I should really stop annoying people with my curiosity."

Fukase looked at him with big eyes and shook his head.

"No, don't feel bad, it was me who exaggerated after all."

Oliver nodded and it went quiet again. The blonde boy felt that Fukase wanted to tell him something but had immense problems to open up, so he closed his eyes and waited. He wanted to know what was bothering his friend and he would wait if it took him longer.

"I hope we're fine then again", Oliver finally said and Fukase looked up to him confused. "Friends shouldn't fight because of that." Oliver smiled and also Fukase's expression lit up. Oliver hoped that this helped Fukase who really seemed to have a fight with himself. After some silence Fukase cleared his throat.

"Do...d-do you like me, Oliver?", he stuttered and he felt again heat coming up in his body but he had to ask p, no matter how he reacted again. Oliver looked at him surprised. Also he got a little nervous and scratched his head.

"Well, of course. We're best friends."

Fukase nodded but didn't look up. His eyes focused on the grass and some flowers in it. After a little break he started talking again.

"I don't like you." 

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