Last Encounter Part 1

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Initially, there wasn't supposed to be a continuation for my oneshot "Last Words". However, a plot for it came to mind pretty quickly and so, I decided to post the sequel here as well. I hope you enjoy it~!


With a loud thud, the drawer landed on the transporter. Oliver groaned as he pushed the piece of furniture further in and held his aching back. Taking a few short breaths, his eyes scanned the interior of the vehicle. Everything was stored away safely and ready for transportation eventually.

Oliver quickly hurried back into his house, checking on his phone he has forgotten in the bedroom earlier. As he skipped through the chatroom he shared with a young woman, he nodded affirmative. He was ready to set off. Oliver eyed the emptied rooms skeptically. Now that he has made space in almost all of them completely, he noticed how little furniture actually was his own. He huffed in slight disapproval and shook off the unnerving feeling of seeing his home so empty. After Fukase had moved out, it already felt terribly empty. With barely any furniture left, it didn't feel as his own shelter anymore.

Oliver got in his car, started the engine and sighed faintly at the sight of his navigation system. Several hours of driving laid ahead of him. He stopped complaining though as he reminded himself why he bothered with that in the first place. Other issues would soon disappear like this.

It has been almost a year now since Oliver hasn't heard anything of Fukase. No texts, no calls, they didn't even see each other once after their parting in the house. During this time, Oliver tried his best to find a replacement of the redhead he could share the rent with. Paying the bills alone, as well as the excess of free space he had without Fukase living in the house anymore simply were too much for the blond to handle on his own. However, one stranger after another moved in and stayed only for a few weeks. This wasn't consistent enough for Oliver to keep up with this any longer. He knew a smaller apartment merely for himself was due long ago and eventually, he put in the efforts to search for one.

To the blond's surprise, he found one fairly quickly and didn't hesitate a second to take what he was being offered. Now he had only two more weeks left in his old house he had shared with his former partner for so many years. Oliver's heart wrenched a little when he thought about all the memories he'd leave behind with his move. However, this was to happen inevitably, and Oliver knew to not cling on the past too much. Within this one year, he learned well this only brought more pain.

Oliver's apartment was much smaller than his house. He knew he had to get used to that first. A bigger issue, however, was that most of the furniture he was currently in the possession of had no space in his soon-to-be housing. Most of them were reminder of Fukase anyway, and the blond wanted to end this chapter of his life eventually by getting rid of anything reminding him of the past. He found himself lucky to have fairly quickly found someone to purchase a decent part of his furniture. Nevertheless, as cruel as internet auctions were, the buyer's location was far away. Oliver almost would have dropped this chance of getting rid of the furniture if the young woman wasn't desperate enough for her purchase to be willing to bear the costs for the call-out fee as well.

The long ride itself wasn't what was bothering the blond. He had the next days off and not much to do. 'Might as well spend time in another city that way', he kept telling himself. However, it weighed him down somewhat to get rid of all his belongings. Even though he tried to distance himself from anything associated to his former partner, he found himself thinking about it every now and then. This uneasy feeling haunted him especially during the car ride and Oliver sighed heavily. Switching on the radio only worsened his thoughts drifting off.

It felt like an eternity as Oliver got off the highway again. The traffic on the last miles tore on his last bit of patience and he just wished to finally be there already. Oliver took a quick glance at his navigation system and accelerated his vehicle. Only a few miles left. Despite not wanting to drift off with his thoughts too much, the blond decided to switch on the radio eventually. He hoped for a bit of music to better his mood. The least he wished for was having a stranger deal with his grumpy self.

Oliver sighed in relief as he pulled into the driveway of his final destination and switched off the engine. He needed a minute to compose himself and be presentable. Long rides always terribly tired out the blond and so now, he was just as exhausted. Nevertheless, Oliver decided to get over with this soon and walked up to the door. Luckily, the house was not too big and neat. Barely any unnecessary decoration lay around somewhere, which left a positive first impression on the blond. At least the frigid furniture seemed to fit to the main concept of that stranger then.

On his way to the front door, Oliver quickly took a glance at the chat again. He was somewhat nervous and wanted to make sure he remembered her name correctly. He rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door, while trying to quickly rub off the tiredness in his eyes. However, that was done quicker at the sudden view in front of him. Oliver flinched hard and felt his face burning from surprise and embarrassment. Also his counterpart widened his eyes surprised and stood up straight. There was silence for a few seconds both spent in staring at each other. Oliver looked down flushed and stammered, in search for what to say. He was too confused, however, to even think of what to say. Did he get the wrong address? Wasn't it a young woman named Sophia who was hiding behind her online account?

"Um...excuse me. I was searching for Ms. Sophia Morris," Oliver stuttered and laughed uneasily, "I probably got the wrong address.." The blond trailed off at the end and was about to go again, as a husky voice stopped him from his doing.

"You're right here."

Oliver turned around surprised and locked eyes with this familiar face again. "Ah, really?"

The person nodded and opened the door a bit more. "Come in. She'll be back soon."

Oliver hesitated. Being invited into someone's house without even the respective person allowing it made him feel uneasy. However, he received a weird look as he debated with himself what to do and so, decided to quickly follow the guy into the house. Oliver sat down on one of the bar stools in front of the kitchen counter and watched his counterpart walking off into another room silently. The situation was still confusing to the blond, and it made him feel all embarrassed as well. What was Fukase doing here?

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