Fake Love (Crackfic)

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Before I let you, my precious readers, sink in into this tragedy of a crackfic, I wanted to credit the actual artist of the drawing. 37hosi published the lineart, allowing just anyone in the world to be coloring it the way they want. Considering my own lack of motivation to do lineart, I took this opportunity. 

The more WinteryGuy and I both looked at the drawing, the more the scene looked off and forced to us. Therefore, we thought of a scenario how this picture could have taken place. The crackfic is the written result from it. It was a long and amusing night while drawing and talking about this. I hope the humor I was trying to add into the writing is obvious and at least partly grazing you guys' taste. Enjoy!


"You want me to do what?"

Oliver grimaced in both shock and disgust when hearing his manager's request. Even though he was only the envoy between YAMAHA's CEO and the erratic British singer, he was the one to receive the complaints on both sides. A sigh resonated through the speaker of Oliver's phone as his manager bluntly explained the issue further.

"Why should we be doing this again though? Olikase is so 2016."

His manager didn't bother any further and merely spoke the final word before hanging up. Oliver grunted. Despite his career going down since his peak in 2013/2014, he couldn't imagine bringing it back up with the same old trick: ships.

Oliver knew both his and Fukase's career had been roaring for them to play the lovey-dovey couple back in 2016. The feedback was a huge wave of fans buying and listening to their duets in masses, dozens of fanfictions, fanarts, etc.. A shudder crawled down the blond's spine when thinking back about it.

He was glad their success was only short-lived. Not that he didn't enjoy the abundant amount of money in his bank account, but hanging around with Fukase all day long was more than draining. There was no so-called chemistry going on between the two of them all along, but apparently enough people bought in for that anyway. This is why he was there now, in his practice room in England, called by his manager to get his career back to where it was a few years ago.

Oliver kicked his phone to the corner of the room with his foot, both anger and impuissance taking over his mind. He didn't have a choice. After all, he was still only a slave to his company (and many fans' imaginations).

It took merely a few days for Fukase to come over to England. Oliver hoped the plane would have crashed on the way but it was no big surprise to him luck was not on his side. Quite the contrary, it only pushed him more to the torture of spending all his days with the person he wanted to see the least. 

Just as Oliver thought about it, the doors of the company's entrance flung open. The prominent color of chemical-burnt red hair immediately jumped in the blond's sight. Oliver suppressed another heavy sigh and instead waited for the other Vocaloid and his crew to catch up to him.

Much to his surprise, Fukase stretched out his hand to him with a smirk as soon as he stood right in front of Oliver.

"Pleasure to see you again, King Arthur."

It's been years the last time Oliver faced the redhead but the memories made it feel like it was just yesterday. Fukase's behavior and actions have remained the same.

"Why are you like this?" Oliver retorted obviously annoyed. The fake enthusiasm of his counterpart reeked off ridiculousness to him. He didn't shake hands for now. Oliver knew that, soon enough, he would be forced to get in physical contact with Fukase and wanted to save his patience for that.

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