Hair Dye

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"It's finished!"

Oliver glanced up from his laptop to the direction where the yell came from. Fukase walked in the kitchen enthusiastically and smiled from ear to ear. By this sight, a small smile crept up on the blond's face as well.

Fukase ruffled his freshly blow-dried hair and grinned happily, his significant "eye smile" visible as can be. Jumping from one foot to another, Fukase had trouble keeping in his excitement.

"What do you think of it?" Fukase turned around once, enabling Oliver to take a closer look at his lover. Oliver smiled wider and nodded.

"Looks good. Platinum blond suits you," Oliver's smile turned into a grin, "Makes you look even paler though."

Fukase chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't matter."

He let himself fall on the chair next to Oliver. His hands continued to run through his hair and Oliver had to laugh softly. Fukase was obsessed with dying his hair. Almost every month, the now-platinum-blond sought for a new color and didn't hesitate a second to do so. It was only this morning, Fukase had stormed into the store to buy hair dye. A few hours later the result was visible as can be.

Oliver continued to eye his counterpart. His smile slowly faded though, and the blond furrowed his eyebrows reluctantly.

"You bleached it again though, didn't you?"

Fukase nodded and looked a little troubled for a second. "Nothing bad happened this time though." His voice was rather muffled, and his eyes travelled down to the floor. Memories about bad hair dying experiments dwelled up again.

"Good. You already have enough scars on your head because of that anyways," Oliver nagged and Fukase huffed. With a chuckle, the blond stroke Fukase's cheek with his thumb. The other one giggled faintly.

"Don't worry about that. I can take care of it." Fukase nudged Oliver's nose as he sat down on the blond's lap. A quick peck landed on Oliver's cheek, which made him blush lightly. They intertwined hands, and for a second, they got caught in their own world again. Only they both and their affection counted. However, Oliver's thoughts jumped back to the present for a second and he leaned back again.

"Sorry, but I just don't want you to go bald because of that." Oliver laughed at Fukase's slight annoyed face as he heard that.

"Why? Wouldn't you love me anymore then?" Fukase pouted, but quickly afterwards opened his eyes wide. A slight bit of worry reflected in them. Oliver shook his head and took a few strands of hair of Fukase in his hands, eyeing them from even closer.

"That's not it. Of course, I'll love you no matter what." Now it was Oliver's turn to place a kiss on Fukase's cheek. He grinned slightly. "You love your hair and experimenting with it though. It'd be unfortunate if that wouldn't be possible for a while, no?"

Fukase thought about it for a second and nodded hesitantly. "That's true."

"So, deal. Next hair dye will be a darker shade, so you don't have to bleach again."

"Like what?"

"Hm, what about a chestnut brown? Surprisingly, I've never seen that on you before."

Fukase tilted his head to the side and nodded weakly. He clearly seemed to be pondering about that option. Oliver waited for Fukase to respond and looked at his lover with a faint smile.

"Yeah, I had done that before we've met," Fukase mentioned eventually, "But sure. That was quite a nice color, too."

Oliver smiled in approval but noticed that Fukase seemed off. The blond had an assumption what it was and frowned displeased, as much as Fukase did. He wrapped his arms around Fukase's waist and pulled him closer. The said one gasped surprised about the sudden pull that threw him out of his thoughts. Wondering what Oliver was about to do, he bent his head.

Oliver smiled softly. "Don't worry though. I also love your new hair color. Just take good care."

Fukase smiled widely again due to the sudden change of vibes in the atmosphere.

"Of course!"

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