Harsh Words Leading to Bitter Consequences

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Oliver stared down the cup in his hands. He held it tightly, absorbing as much warmth from it as possible. The snow was falling in heavy flakes once again down the gloomy atmosphere. Winter made the blond feel all melancholic and he could feel the heaviness of his heart to be dragging him down once more. Before he could allow that to happen, he quickly huffed and forced a smile. There was no reason to feel down, after all; he was there – in the comforts of their house – with Fukase by his side.

Looking up from his burning hands, Oliver's eyes fixated on his lover sitting right across the table. Fukase had worn a faint smile a few moments ago, but it was gone, replaced by a deep frown growing on his forehead. He tapped against his own cup with his index finger, clearly in thoughts, and Oliver bent his head to the side. He couldn't quite figure out what was putting his lover in such distress, even so, he decided to bury it with a change of topic.

"The coffee turned out so well. You're really good at this," Oliver mumbled and took another sip of his half-emptied cup. A quick glance told the blond that Fukase has barely touched his own drink.

"Thanks," Fukase said and forced a weak smile, not looking up from the table. The tapping on the cup broke off for a while but set off once silence embraced the two once more. Oliver shifted in his seat. The tense atmosphere sent an eerie mixture of comfort and wariness down his spine. This was the third attempt coming from the blond to start a conversation and it was met with no real response. The two of them hadn't had such a weak conversation in a while.

Oliver watched Fukase a little longer who continued to rest his stare on the table, biting the inside of his cheek vigorously, tapping hastily. The redhead's nervousness emitting almost reached Oliver, making him just as nervous as to what was going on.

"You know, I feel like we've fallen out of love," Fukase broke off the silence eventually, unsure of how to do so other than being as straight-forward as always, "There's missing something that we had before."

He looked up from the table, his throat suddenly painfully dry as soon as he took a glimpse of Oliver's face. The usually glistering hazel eyes turned dull almost in a matter of milliseconds. Fukase expected his body to wrench at the sight of his lover, but the heavy distress overshadowed all of it. Fukase felt even more miserable now.

It took a while for Oliver to get a grasp back on the situation. His mind had just turned blank, but the poisonous words dripped back in his consciousness, numbing out his every limb. Finding the strength to speak up was barely in his might, leave out to go after his urge to just walk out the room.

"I always appreciate your honesty, but ouch, this was a blunt wording."

Oliver looked down back on his hands and gulped hard. The prior lump in his throat grew to an unbearable extent. Oliver quietly hissed in a shot of air. His hands wrapped around the ceramic even tighter as a heavy sigh resonated through his ears.

"I'm sorry, I just...I thought I could tell you what I'm thinking unfiltered, just like always."

"Well, I'm human too and get offended by insults like that just like everyone else."

Oliver's head shot back up with eyes piercing the redhead sharply. Despite his rather composed nature, the blond couldn't find his calm at the very moment. He barely managed to hold back more of his inciting thoughts. Instead, Oliver rubbed his temples and sighed, feeling his chest tightening up.

Oliver noticed tears to be dwelling up in the back of his eyes solely for the one thought that passed by his head. His lips were trembling almost too much to speak out a single word.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

Fukase's hands shot on the table, making it shake under the pressure. Oliver flinched at the sudden reaction and Fukase halted, shocked at his own hastiness. The urge to hold Oliver grew but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

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