*. *. *.

I had just turned the corner into the yard in front of the large manor, Pin following silently behind when I began to hear what sounded like an argument.
"There's something else I need you to know."
Turning the corner I could see that it was Mia with her dad.
"There's an issue with the insurance. Faulty electrical are the least of our problems."
I diverted my attention as I led Joey past the two but I couldn't help but overhear the dilemma.

*. *. *.

We rode across fields and down my favourite country roads, lined with trees, their boughs weighed down by the lush green leaves. I hadn't kept track of how long we'd been out but it must've been at least an hour. The grey sky from earlier meant it started to drizzle at some point while we rode down one of the more isolated trails on the island. The scent of wet earth and bracken was comforting to me and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.
"You seem happy."
I was jolted back into reality by the soft voice from behind me. It hurt to admit that every time he spoke I felt as though my worries could be soothed just as they used to be. I felt myself longing to be in his arms again, to be able to have deep thoughtful chats about random nothings while wrapped in one another's arms. I missed his warmth, his hugs and the depth behind his eyes whenever he spoke sincerely to me.
"Phoebe? Are you okay."
I blinked myself back into reality and offered Pin a stiff smile.
Unfortunately I couldn't forget what he'd done.
Looking at him riding his horse, the greenery around him casting a strange glow onto his skin and the smile that he wore that he usually saved just for me.
I couldn't trust him yet. Even if he regretted what he did he hadn't shown it to me. I understood that he was giving me the space I needed but it would take time too. And it was going to be a long process for the both of us.
"You know..." I began as we rode side by side at a slow trot. "We were good friends before... you know. Weren't we?" I questioned, looking down at and fiddling with the reins.
He hummed, looking at me warily.
I mulled over my thoughts, gathering them coherently before I spoke again.
"I'd like for us to start over. You want to show me that you're sorry and quite frankly I deserve that. And you kinda deserve to suffer."
He chuckled slightly at that comment.
"So we're going to start again. We need to work together to do well at Nationals and the best way to do that is by being friends and getting back our teamwork. Don't expect anything more."
I gave him a long hard stare and he returned the gaze. I could feel my cheeks warming but I held my ground until Pin looked away. He had a small smile and nodded, agreeing with my proposition.

*.           *.           *. 

The rest of the ride was in relative silence as we practiced our pacing and enjoyed the feeling of the wind and fresh country air. Upon returning to the stables we went to put the horses in their stalls and I was slightly startled to find other horses that usually wouldn't be there.
"I forgot." I chuckled to myself as Pin raised an eyebrow at my jumpy response. I took all the equipment off Joey and petted his name. Pin did the same with his own horse and we stood in silence together. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it might be.
Suddenly there were raised voices from a few stalls over.
"I can take it from here." I recognised the sound of Zoe's voice.
"I was just giving him some extra hay." Gaby protested.
"I said I can take it from here." Zoe insisted.
I looked at Pin and rolled my eyes. The two girls together was a disaster waiting to happen as their fiery personalities clashed spectacularly.
"Is everything okay here?" I chimed as I appeared in the stall entrance with Pin behind me.
"I'd feel better if she stayed away from Raven."
Gabby scoffed and looked over Zoe's shoulder at me. She was my friend and the recent occurrences with Zoe had clearly impacted our friendship slightly but it was impossible to make me choose a side.
"My sister found this article when she was looking for stuff about Bob. This is you and James. Says there was an accident at the stables where you lived." She turned and handed her phone to me. I held the phone up for pin to see too.
"What's your point?"
"Now there's an accident at Bright fields. One of my best friends could lose her horse. I wanna know if you had something to do with it."
Gaby held a composed face the whole time Zoe accused her.
"You think I started that fire?"
"You or your brother."
"I would never put the horses in danger like that." Gaby pushes past Zoe, knocking shoulders as she passed. Zoe sighed and turned to follow her when Pin stepped in.
"The fire was an accident we heard Elliot talking to Mia before our ride."
"She lied about James, and her past, and everything else." Zoe insisted.
"If Gaby's got stuff she doesn't wanna talk about, that's her business. She has a good heart Zoe."
"You don't know that."
"Gabby was the one who agreed that the horses should stay at Holloway. She could've said no. All she wants to do is help." Pin stated before leaving the stall.
Zoe rolled her eyes in response and I leant against the wall.
"Look Zo, I know you don't like her - she can be a bit full on - but she is a good person. She's had a hard life but she truly cares about the horses. Sure she gets a little familiar with Raven but you should be proud that he's your horse. Nobody is gonna take him from you." I smiled reassuringly, petting his sleek coat.
Zoe nodded and I left to allow her time to organise her thoughts before heading to check on Gaby. She liked to present herself as someone who didn't let words get to them but I knew deep down she was probably hurting.
I headed towards our dorms and Gaby's door was already open. I spied Pin already trying to talk to her.
"Everything okay?" I asked as I knocked on the door to signal that I was there.
Gaby made a small ambiguous grunt and I chuckled at her behaviour.
"Gaby we just want to help."
It was then that I realised she was packing a bag.
"Gaby can we please talk about this." Pin pleaded and my brow furrowed in concern.
"Hi Gaby." I recognised the gentle voice from behind me as Zoe but winced. Perhaps this wouldn't be the best time for a heart-to-heart between the two.
"Phoebe tells me I got it wrong about the fire."
"Yeah well, can't chat long I'm out of here." She continued to throw things into her bag.
"Gaby!" I protested.
"Well I reckon I've got about five minutes before your motormouth friend blabs to t he whole the yard. When they find out who I am they're gonna kick me out." She finished by shoving the last jumper into the backpack.
"Why would the kick you out?" Pin reasoned.
"Um maybe cause you've been taking things that don't belong to you." Zoe reached over to the jewellery stand beside Gaby's bed and held up an emerald necklace. One I definitely recognised as Zoe's.
"Gaby?" Pin questioned her. She rolled her eyes and shrugged.
"I found it in a field. I assumed it was worthless. She moved to storm past us but Pin stepped in front, blocking her way.
"What's going on?" He demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
Gaby backed up, looking around the room at us, like an animal caught in a trap. Hopeless.
"Fine. My parents died when we were little. Me and James got sent to live in a stables but something happened and I got sent away. Happy?"
I sighed at the way she was trying to hide her emotions but her eyes showed a deep pain. Zoe beside me also seemed to understand.
"The accident?"
"James started acting out. He was older than I was when our parents died, it hit him harder. And one day he rode out on our foster dad's new tractor. He ran it off the road and we thought, if I took the blame it was a way to keep us both out of trouble. We were wrong. I ended up at a house with like ten city kids. No horses for miles." She grabbed a few ornaments and kept packing.
"Didn't James come looking for you?" Pin asked casting a concerned look our way.
"What do you think?"
"I'm sorry." Zoe apologised.
"I'm not. I learned to take care of myself." Gaby replies stoically. "I ran away when I was 15. I ended up here. I faked all my permission slips. I invented a couple of parents on the mainland. I actually felt like I had somewhere to belong. Until now." She zipped up the bag with a sense of finality and yanked it off the bed.
Pin stepped aside with a sigh and I watched her walk past me without so much as a glance. Zoe was the one who tried to stop her.
"Gaby. Gaby, stay. I won't tell."
"Why would you cover for me?" Gaby raised an eyebrow.
"Because if Phoebe trusts you, and Pin trusts you... so do I."

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