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When I got home I dumped the grocery bag on the kitchen side. Looking up at the time on the clock above the cooker, I decided to make a start on dinner, Pork chops, Roast potatoes and veggies. I searched through the cupboards for a good five minutes before finding the chopping board in a box that had yet to be unpacked.
I set to work chopping vegetables as I put the potatoes and Pork chops in the oven, thinking happily of Pony Camp the next day. I put the veg on and turned on my phone, scrolling through social media and seeing what my old friends were doing back in L.A. They were good friends but they weren't the sort that I could mess around and be silly with. I couldn't be myself with them. Unlike with Zoe. I would trust her with my life and she would trust me with hers. We'd known each other since elementary. It was quite a funny story actually - My thoughts were cut off as a loud beeping tore throughout the house. I looked at the oven and squealed, running over to turn it off. I opened the door, letting out a plume of smoke. Tears filled my vision as tye smoke pricked at my eyes. I waved it away with a teatowel and then raced up the stairs to deal with the annoying beeping smoke alarm. I leant over the banister and reached up to the alarm, pressing the button that silenced it.
I paused on he stairs, waiting for the heavy tread of my Dad to come and yell at me for disturbing him. It never came.
I sighed in relief and walked down to the kitchen again to try and rescue the dinner.
I had just taken the baking hot tray out of the oven when I heard someone behind me.
"Phoebe..." I turned around and saw my dad glaring at me, clutching his phone in his hand. He'd just hung up and by the look on his face, I'd probably just interrupted a very important call.
*          *          *
I went into the stables next day with a slight spring in my step. I'd paid for Pony Camp with the money that my mother always gave me on my birthday as an apology for not being there.
I was slightly late as I'd overslept and my dad didn't wake me up because he wasn't exactly aware of my visits to Bright Field Stables. I was going on the principal that if I didn't ask he couldn't say no.
I could hear clapping and cheering as I walked into the stables. I began running and smiled when I saw Zoe walking out of a stall. Raven's stall.
"Zoe!" I said happily, giving her a hug. She smiled slightly, returning it. I pulled away with a frown as I looked at her expression.
"W-what's wrong? Zoe? What happened?"
"Firefly's missing. And it's all my fault!" She declared. I looked at her oddly.
"What do you mean your fault?"
"I called Pin a Horse thief and - "
"You did?" I asked. That would explain why he was in the Police Car and why he saw my, rather embarrasing fall. She sighed deeply as she finished, explaining how no-one was watching the stables because of her and so Mia's horse was stolen because of it.
"Zoe..." I sighed, nudging her gently as we walked out of the stall.
"Don't beat yourself up about this. People make mistakes." I said earnestly. She smiled lightly but I could tell she wasn't convinced. We walked quietly until a door opened in front of us and a man emerged.
"I hope you're pleased with yourself."
"No, not at all." Zoe replied. "What is your problem with me? I know I hurt Pin but... It's more than that isn't it." The man glared at her silently before walking away with his bucket. I stared after him as he walked away.
"Well that was rude." Zoe cracked a small smile and chuckled.
"Come on, everyone is heading this way so we probably should too."
*          *          *
"Welcome to Bright Fields first ever Pony Camp!" Sam declared, standing on the table. Everyone cheered and Zoe grabbed Rosie's arms, waving them in the air. Rosie rolled her eyes as I ruffled her perfectly styled hair.
"Go Sam!" A guy called from the back of the crowd, looking adoringly at her.
"Thank you Officer, okay..."
"Is there somethin going on there?" I nudged Zoe and looked between the two adults. Becky on my other side added,
"He's totally in love with her."
"And she has no idea!" Jade grinned, leaning around her blonde friend.
"As riding is very hungry work," Sam continued, "You'll be very pleased to hear that our barbecue is up and running." Rosie walked off to go and talk to Mia but was quickly herded by Sam as she announced that under twelves would be mucking out the stables.
I bit my lip to contain my laughter as Rosie walked past with wide eyes.
"I'm gonna stink until I'm 16!" She declared.
"Try to have fun!" Zoe called after her.
*          *          *
Marcus began walking towards the four of us so Becky and Jade stood up, dragging me with them so it was only Zoe and Marcus. I giggled behind Marcus' back and wiggled my fingers in a wave.
I said goodbye to Becky and Jade and walked towards the stalls. The horse that I'd been assigned was called Joey. I looked at all the stall names and when I saw Joey's I ran towards it, only to run straight into a door.
"Oww!" I cried as I fell to the floor.
A head poked around the door and looked at me.
"You again?" I asked exasperatedly. He chuckled lightly before going back inside to retrieve the hay bale and put it outside, next to the door.
"You need a hand?" He asked. "I seem to remember you doing this exact same thing yesterday. In front of a Police Car, no less."
"At least I wasn't in the Police Car." I retorted. He glared at me on the ground and I blushed.
"Oh, no, I'm sorry. I-I didn't - "
"It's fine." He shook his head and picked up another hay bale, dropping it on top of the other.
"You're still on the ground." He noted.
"Oh, right." I extended my right arm up to him and he gripped my wrist, pulling me to stand up. I hissed as my shirt sleeve rode up my arm and his hand wrapped around my wrist.
"Are you alright?" He asked looking at the angry red mark on my wrist.
"Oh, I burnt myself making dinner last night. Dropped the tray."
He raised an eyebrow and nodded. It was at that moment when Zoe called across the yard,
"Hey Pin!" He looked over my shoulder before sighing and walking away. I walked over to Zoe as she chased him,
"If you would just talk to me for one second. I just - " She sighed exasperatedly as Pin marched off. I looked at my best friends expression and at Pin's retreating back.
"Wait a sec, I'll talk to him." Zoe smiled as I ran off after the departing checked shirt.
"Pin! Wait up, it's me. Phoebe. Phoebster, the Phoebs."
I grinned standing next to him.
What the hell is wrong with me?!
"Look, Pin. You seem like a decent guy. Please just listen to Zoe I mean - "
"You said your mum was a Horse vet."
"Er, yeah, but I don't really see how that relates to any of this." He sighed and looked at me intently.
"You okay?" I asked, waving a hand in front of his face. He looked away and took a deep breath.
"After the hack, there's something I need to show you." I raised an eyebrow as he walked off.
What on earth was that about?

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