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"Are you serious about Junior Nationals? Come on Phoebe, faster!" I rolled my eyes as Callum's voice yelled across the field for the umpteenth time.
Joey and I were working together extremely well but I just wasn't feeling the training. After Zoe's visit and the strange snippet of conversation that I overheard, my mind was spinning. Alongside that I was feeling incredibly guilty for practically betraying my friends but if I left Holloway they would press charges on both me and Pin.
And to add the cherry on the top I wasn't allowed to contact my friends.
I cantered over to Callum, a friendly guy called Fin and Gaby and hopped of Joey once pulling him to a stop.
"I need a break." I said before heading towards the stables.
I was feeding Joey when I heard a knock on his stable door, I peered over my  shoulder curiously and saw Alex standing there, a comforting smile on his face.
"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded, turning back to Joey.
"Seriously, I understand how hard this must be for you." His voice sounded closer this time and when I turned around he was only a couple of feet away from me.
"Holloway isn't all that bad. And your friends aren't going to hate you. It's just until Junior Nationals. Then everything will be fine." He promised and for some strange reason, looking into his deep, kind eyes, I felt that I could trust him.
"Thank you." I whispered.
Suddenly someone cleared their throat loudly at the door and Pin stood there glaring at the two of us.
"Phoebe? I'm going to talk to Mia."
At that I nodded and scurried towards him, leaving Joey in Alex's capable hands.
I knew that, as we walked down the corridor, Pin was going to persuade Mia to leave him alone. He was utterly committed to Holloway and threw himself into training. I, however couldn't help but feel as though I was betraying my friends at Bright Fields. It was as though the Holloway Pin was changing from the Pin I knew at Bright Fields.

*. *. *.

"Hi Pin, Phoebe." Susie greeted us as we walked into the office. "Great riding today, we were all super impressed."
"Thank you." I stopped beside her to talk about how she was but Pin headed straight towards Mia.
"Thought you'd use Zoe to lure me back to Bright Fields did you?"
Mia scoffed,
"I don't need to lure you anywhere. You work for my family. And we expect you here in this yard until your debt is paid."
Pin reached into the pocket of his blazer and retrieved a slightly crumpled brown envelope. He handed it to Mia and she opened it, rifling through the 20 pound notes.
"Woah." Susie commented.
"That's the exact amount your dad paid my father for Raven." Pin said.
"Where'd you get this money?" Mia asked sceptically.
Pin explained,
"Holloway. They wanted me to be free to train. We're even Mia. See you at Nationals."
He marched out of the door and I was about to follow him when Mia called out to me. She looked at me pleadingly,
"I'm sorry, Mia." I apologised before leaving Bright Fields once more.

*. *. *.

Back at Holloway it had started raining as the sun began to set. Pin was seated on one of the comfy couch while we waited for his dad to come and pick us up. He had kindly offered to drop me home too.
I was currently pacing nervously, trying to sift through feelings of betrayal, guilt and confusion in my mind when Pin called out to me.
I hummed in response, continuing to pace.
"Calm down. Why are you pacing so much? Sit down." He opened his arms and gestured with his hands for me to come towards him.
I paused and watched him as he raised an eyebrow amusedly. With a deep sigh I conceded and settled down on the couch beside him. He raised his arms so that I was tucked into his side. I nestled my head against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. His chest buzzed as he began to talk.
"What is it?"
"Don't worry about it. Honestly." I stared up at him earnestly, meeting his blue eyes. They swirled with hidden warmth and depth that he didn't display often.
I smiled cheekily up at him as we had a mini staring competition.
Suddenly he leant forwards and pressed his lips against mine softly. In the comfort and warmth of the cosy waiting room and the fading light outside I melted into Pin's side blissfully.
I felt his lips stretch into a familiar smile and pulled away, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Pin, I- I need to talk to you."
"I'm listening." He murmured, leaning forwards, his lips brushing gently against mine once more. "No, I mean it. I- "
I was cut off by the crunching of gravel on the road outside, signalling the arrival of Pin's dad.
"Never mind. Let's go." I smiled, extending a hand towards the boy in front of me. He chuckled and grabbed my hand tightly, making the words trapped in my throat harder to even think about.

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