* 12 *

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A/N This chapter includes a bit of violence if you're not comfortable with that sort of stuff.

When I finally came to, everything was blurry. I groaned and raised my hand to my forehead. I winced when I realised it was red. Blood red.
I dropped my head back to the floor, feeling very faint. I felt as though my head was thumping and growling. I frowned as I realised that beneath my fingers, which twithed every so often, was mud. And that the canopy above me was leaves. And the thumping sound... That was a mix of thunder... and hooves. I cried out as I saw a perfectly white horse, rearing above me, it's hooves close to trampling me. I rolled out of the way and screamed in pain as the cuts on my back stretched.
"Firefly? Mia, it's okay. It's Firefly." I recognised the voice as Zoe's and I stumbled up, using the tree to drag myself desperately to my feet. The rain was pouring down heavily and making it harder for my feet, which I realised were bare. I also realised that I was still wearing the dress from the dance. I didn't know how long I'd been out for. My throat felt dry and raw.
"Zoe?" I called out, my voice hoarse.
"Come on, Mia. We need to get out of here. The storm's getting worse." I gasped as I heard that Zoe was leaving.
"Wai - Wait! Zoe...!" I choked. I heard the hoofbeats speed up and get fainter as I fell to my knees, realising that I had no idea where I was.
"Please..." I cried, falling backwards, my legs curled next to me as pain errupted all over once more.
*          *          *
3rd person P.O.V
It was the day of the competition.
Zoe picked up her phone once more. She had already sent almost a hundred messages to Phoebe. She sighed, needing to tell her that she was going to be performing in the show with her. She sighed again and decided to head to the stables.
It was almost time for the group to leave and Phoebe still wasn't there.
"Where's Phoebe?" Pin asked, walking over to Zoe as he helped load up the horses.
"I-I don't know."
He frowned.
"We really need her."
Zoe nodded in agreement,
"Sam said we'll have to get someone else to do it is she doesn't turn up soon. I'll go check at her house, quick." She raced through the fields until she reached Phoebe's back garden. She knocked on the front door. A tall intimidating male opened the door. He looked down at Zoe and frowned.
"What do you want?" He asked gruffly.
"I'm sorry, I was wondering if you knew where Phoebe was?"
"Haven't seen her since yesterday." He answered shortly, slamming the door in her face. Zoe frowned. She arrived back at the stables in time for Sam to usher her onto the truck.
"Where's Phoebe?" Pin asked yet again before they left.
"Pin, her dad hasn't seen her since last night."
"What do you mean?" He asked, immediately regretting not walking her home that night.
"Pin, I'm worried. Where could she be?"
"You can't worry about it now, Zoe. You need to do your best. I'll find her."
Zoe shook her head as she got into the truck with Becky and Jade. She didn't tell them, not wanting to worry them.
*          *          *
Phoebe's POV
I groaned as I stood up once more, feeling incredibly weak. I gasped as I put pressure on my right leg, tears slipping out of my eyes. I tried to gain my bearings but ended up wandering around the woods for what felt like forever. Thankfully the storm had stopped and it was light but I could have sworn that I'd passed the same tree trunk three times. Eventually, I reached the cliffs. I followed the cliff edge for a while, trying to find an easy way down.
I was cautiously stepping down the slope when my foot slipped on the loose sand and I tumbled forwards, rolling down the remainder of the hill. I lay breathless at the bottom and groaned, having to wait a minute before I staggered to my feet. I carried on along the beach until I saw a car and three men.
"Hey!" I called hoarsely. I groaned, grabbing my side as I felt it beginning to bleed again from the fall.
"Please help!" I groaned. As I got nearer I fell to the floor and gave up on trying to stand, deciding to crawl towards the men. They saw me and I called out for help again.
"You just don't give up do you?" I felt my stomach drop as I recognised the voice. I tried to scramble back away from the men but they were quicker.
"Grab her!" My dad ordered. The two men gripped one of my arms each and pulled me towards my dad.
"NO! PLEASE,ET ME GO! PLEASE!" I begged, tears pouring down my dirtied cheeks. They dropped me in front of my father who leered down at me before kicking me right in the gut, causing me to double over.
"No..." I groaned as he continued his assault. I turned my head to left and in the bank saw a familiar horse.
"Raven?" I croaked. I then saw movement on the hill above me and desperate to get help, to stop the torture, I screamed out.
"STOP! PLEASE, IT HURTS, STOP!" My dad and the other men just laughed and I lay my head defeatedly to the side, feeling blood trickle out of the corner of my mouth and down my cheek as I lay on my side. My eyes fluttered closed, only to snap open when I heard a shout,
"Hey, what's going on?"

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