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"I have a bruise on my arm and it's shaped just like a dinosaur. Oh, and the best part. Mom said I can ride. We can go to the stables together and you can help teach me everything you know. You don't need lessons but you can join me. We're going to have so much fun!" Zoe gushed over the phone.
"Zoe..." I said sadly. "I'm still not allowed to ride. My dad found out that I snuck out and I'm stuck in my room all day. It's a miracle he let me have my phone."
"What? No way! Why doesn't he want you riding?"
"No idea." I lied, wincing as I stood up off the bed and walked over to the bookshelf.
"You have to convince your dad to let you come back to the stables!" Zoe pleaded.
"There's the county show, you'd be amazing.You're one of the best riders I know. And the Barn dance. Come on Phoebe." I sighed.
"Fine. Dad's got a meeting in an hour on the mainland. I can make a note for Sam. His signature's easy to forge."
"That's the phoebe I know." She called. I sighed and walked over to the mirror, applying my makeup and waiting for the sound of the door closing.
* * *
"Woooh!" I called as I made it to the yard in time to see Zoe ride her horse over the jump, Marcus running behind her.
"Phoebe!" Zoe said, hopping off her horse.
"Marcus, are you ready for your tryout?" Sam asked.
"Oh, hello Phoebe. Are you allowed to be here?" She asked sternly.
"Mhm." I nodded, handing her the slip. "I wanted to ask if I could tryout too. I've been riding nearly all my life. I'd like to say I'm quite good."
Sam sighed.
"I suppose I can fit you in soon."
I followed Zoe as she took Major back to his stall.
"So, you managed to get out then?" She asked.
"What's it look like?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. And she laughed. Marcus walked over a while later while Zoe was tacking up Raven.
"Hey, Phoebe, there's a slot open if you want to try out. You can ride Joey again."
"Okay, thanks." I smiled.
I rushed over to Joey's stall and began tacking him up. I was pulling my jumper off when I heard someone behind me.
"What happened to your back?" I spun around in time to see Pin, frowning at me. I blushed lightly.
"What are you talking about?" I laughed, brushing it off and pulling my shirt down. He ignored me and walked towards me. I stepped back and gripped his forearm stopping him.
"Hey, Pin. I've got trials now. See you later." I rushed out before he could stop me.
I had just walked into the paddock on Joeys back when I heard Jade and Zoe yelling.
I looked up curiously and saw Zoe on Raven.
"Zoe?" I yelled. What was she doing?
"Help!" She yelled. I gasped.
"Come on, Joey boy." I began racing after Zoe and Raven who was bolting. Just as I passed the gate, Pin walked out of the office, his hands in his pockets. I had only seconds to register the look of utter shock on his face and then I was past him, racing towards the gate at the end of the paddock. I hoped that Raven would stop once he got to it but he jumped straight over. I was close enough to hear Zoe's cries to stop, knowing that it would make no difference.
We raced across fields and hills unti we reached a forest track and we finally emerged on the beach.
I had managed to catch up to Raven and was trying to calm him down. Joey trotted round him as he shifted in the sand nervously, kicking and jolting.
"Zoe hold on." I warned but suddenly Raven jerked and she fell off.
"Zoe!" I cried. I hurriedly slipped off Joey and grabbed Raven so that he wouldn't trample Zoe. He kept pawing the ground anxiously.
I heard another horse behind me and turned around to see Marcus jumping off his horse.
"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just listen?" Zoe asked desperately.
"I handed Raven over to Marcus and helped up Zoe.
"What were you thinking?" Marcus demanded. "I told you, I warned you. You need to learn the basics first. Raven could have been hurt."
"I know - "Zoe started.
"You could've been hurt. He's not ready. You're not ready."
"I'm sorry. I know. I know." Zoe repeated.
"You can ride back on Monty with me if you'd like."
"Thank you Marcus but, I think I'm just gonna walk." I watched Zoe sadly as she wiped the sand off her face and took a deep, shaky, breath.
"Take Joey too?" I asked.
"I feel like taking a walk." I then linked arms with Zoe and we walked away from the dark haired boy.
* * *
"I'm so sorry." Zoe apologisrd for the hundreth time.
"Hey, Zo. It wasn't your fault. Raven obviously has problems. It wasn't your fault. Perhaps you shouldn't have ridden him though. Marcus is right. You need to have more practice Zoe. I don't want you getting hurt. You're like a sister to me." I smiled at her encouragingly and she gave me a small smile back, still shaking.
"Thank you, Phoebe."
As we were walking we saw, through a gap in the hedge, someone wearing a 'Bright Field Stables' hoodie, talking to a man in a black car. The car drove away and the person walked off but we didn't see either of their faces. Zoe and I exchanged looks before walking closer. On the barbed wire fence there was a piece of white fluff. Zoe picked it up and we both examined it. I shrugged and we continued walking.
"See you, Zoe." I said, giving her a warm hug.
"Bye." She said quietly.
* * *
I walked back into the stables and found Joey. I thanked Marcus again and started to groom the horse.
"Thank you for helping today, Joey." I smiled, petting him.
Suddenly someone called out,
"The team list is up!" I smiled and ran across the yard fingers crossed.
I heard Becky laugh hapilly.
"Good news. Me and Bob made the dressage event."
"Well done Becky." I smiled. I then felt someone's prescence behind me and saw Zoe.
"Hey, are you okay?"
She nodded with the faintest trace of a smile.
I stepped forward to look at the list.
Team Showjumping
Mia and Sparkles
Marcus and Monty
Jade and Tamara
Susie and Darcy
Phoebe and Joey
Reserve- Zoe and Raven
I beamed brightly and turned to the girls.
"This is amazing!" I cried before my face fell. My dad. He'd never allow this. I sighed and by chance my eyes flickered to the clock on the wall.
"Shoot! I gotta go!" I called. I ran out into the yard.
"Sorry!" I said as I ran into a hard chest. Looking up I saw Pin starin down at me curiously.
"Oh, Hey Pin. How's the Pony?" I asked breathlessly.
"Yeah, it's doing bet - "
"Cool, gotta go!" I cried over my shoulder.
"Oh, Phoebe wait!" He called but I had already run out of the stables. I could hear him behind me and I was about to turn around when I saw a familiar figure marching towards me.
"PHOEBE WRIGHT!" I gulped nervously, eyes wide as my dad marched towards me.
"What the hell are you doig?!" He hissed angrily, gripping my wrist. "I thought I told you, no more riding!"
"No, Dad. I'm sorry. It's just..." I trailed off, finding no way out of this. I winced as his grip on my wrist got tighter and he yanked me away from Pin and marched along.
"Wait!" Pin called, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Phoebe's a really great rider. And she made the Showjumping team." I looked up surprised, wondering how he knew that.
"Did she now." I clenched my jaw as my dad growled at me.
"Just leave it Pin. It's fine."
"But Phoebe - "
"She said leave it, Boy."
I watched over my shoulder as Pin stood in the middle of the road while my father dragged me away.

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