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"Becky, Jade, Phoebe?" I heard Zoe calling as I walked into the stables. The sun had set but the sky was still a greyish blue and it was still light enough for me to see.
"Zoe!" I called. She turned around and waved. She was petting Raven when I walked over to the fence, watching the two of them.
We walked over to the barn and climbed up onto the hay bales, setting up a small area to place our bags and sleeping mats.
"So... How's things back home?" I asked as Zoe started unrollig her sleeping bag.
"Oh, yeah, no, it's fine." She rushed. I laughed.
"I'm your best friend Zo. I can tell when you're lying." She sighed turning to me.
"Well..." She stopped talking as we heard a creaking noise and saw the glare of a flashlight as it scanned across the ground. Our eyes widened as the person rounded the corner.
"Sorry, we're late." Jade apologised. "Becky had to close the cafe."
"It's okay. You guys are here now."  I smiled with relief, moving over to make room for Becky.
"I've got a surprise. I did my research and..." Zoe opened her backpack, flinging the bags of chips out.
"You brought crisps." Jade smiled.
"Zoe, you're the best!"
"I declare this sleepover... Open." Becky said as she began eating the chips.
*          *           *
"The ghost pony appears at night. Jealously guarding its hidden treasures. Anyone who lays eyes on this beast immediately dies from shock. Thus details about this pony are scarce." Jade, Zoe and I sat next to each other as Becky told us her ghost story, her torch held under her chin, casting eerie shadows on her face.
"But his name. His name is mentioned by flickering candlelight. Striking fear into the hearts of those who hear it. His name. His name... Is Pebbles."
I frowned and tilted my head slightly.
"Pebbles?" I asked. I looked at Jade and Zoe and we burst out laughing.
"Pebbles can be scary." Becky defended the name, "Like at the beach. If they're all wet and slippery. They're a safety hazard." I tried keeping my face as straight as possible but to no avail and I burst out laughing again.
*          *          *
Zoe's phone beeped as we were talking and Becky picked it up quickly. As she looked at the screen she fell back against the hay bales with wide eyes.
"OMG! Hot Marcus added you."
"This is huge." Jade said, taking the phone. "He's so into you." Zoe smiled embarrasedly. "You've got like a million unanswered invites here."
"Really?" Zoe asked, taking her phone back. I peered over her shoulder.
"I haven't been on this site much."
"This is all really interesting," Becky said, taking the phone, "but the thing is, Hot Marcus is trying to friend you in the here and now."
"You can't just leave him hanging." Jade said.
"Alright. Fine, if it'll make you happy." Zoe said, taking the phone back again. With a flourish she tapped the screen.
"Accepted." I laughed before taking the phone from her. Becky and Jade both looked over my shoulders as we looked at all the photos.
"Look at him. Just look at him." Becky sighed. I laughed and she moved slightly, jostling me with her elbow. Zoe's phone chimed.
"Whoops." I said guiltily.
"Whoops, Whoops? What do mean whoops?" Zoe asked taking the phone.
"You just favourited a picture of Hot Marcus in his swimwear."
"I slipped." I apologised.
"Right, give me that." Jade said, taking the phone.
"It's frozen. Ok, wait. Right. It's working." Suddenly the phone started chiming incesently.
"No, no, no more whoops. No more whoops." Zoe sighed as she looked at her phone.
"I just favourited 34 photos of Hot Marcus in 60 seconds." She whispered.
"Let's hope Mia's not online." Jade shrugged.
*          *          *
I was woken by a jet of icy white light being shone at me. I groaned and covered my face.
"Sorry." Becky whispered. I sat up.
"It's fine. I'll take over watching for a bit if you want." Suddenly a gate started creaking in the distance.
"Guys?" Becky whispered.
"What was that?" I asked as I poked Zoe in the ribs to wake her.
"It's gone silent."
"Like a ghost in the night." Becky said excitedly.
"Like the ghost Pony, you mean?" Jade sighed. "Not funny Becky." Zoe and Jade then slumped back onto the hay and closed their eyes. Suddenly another rattle clattered through the night, waking them again.
"Or it's Horse thieves." Zoe said.
"It's coming from the yard." I said.
"On horseback?" Jade asked. The sound was the unmistakeable clip-clopping of horses hooves.
"Come on." Zoe whispered.
*           *            *
All four of us snuck into the stalls, walking between them and hiding behind the stable doors.
"Do you think it's Sam?" Jade asked.
"Why would Sam be riding at night?" Becky asked.
"I don't know." She replied.
"Shh." I hissed, tugging them down.
"You're doing great, Maggie."
Zoe popped up quickly, followed by us three.
"Mom?" she asked.
"Well this is unexpected."
Maggie clambered off the horse and stood in front of us.
"What are you girls doing here?" Elliot asked.
"What are you doing here? What's going on?" Zoe asked confusedly.
"Why are you riding?" Then she thought for a moment. "This is yours, isn't it Mom?" Zoe asked, holding up a riding crop.
"Zoe I can explain." She stammered. At that moment Mia, Susie and Zoe's sister walked over.
"What exactly is Mom doing at your sleepover?" Rosie asked.
"More importantly, why is my dad here?" Mia continued.
"Why do you two have horse braids in your hair?" Jade asked Mia and Susie who both tried to hide them.
"Am I the only one relieved to find out there's no ghost pony?" Becky asked.
"The show's over, we all just - "
Zoe was cut off as Raven whinied.
"Raven." She cried. She ran off and I ran after her, knowing all too well she'd probably end up doing something stupid.
"Zoe wait!" I cried as she climbed over the fence into the field where two people in all black outfits were trying to grab Raven.
"Call 911." Zoe called as she ran into the field.
"That's not the number here!"
"You know what she meant!" I cried as I clambered over the fence after Zoe.
"Hey, get away from my horse!" Zoe called. I screamed as Zoe jumped onto one of the people. I ran to try and help her but the other one grabbed my waist harshly and threw me to the floor. Raven whinied angrily and reared up, I rolled out of the way just in time to avoid his hooves.
"Zoe!" I called crawling over to her. The man had just thrown her off his back and she landed with a thud. The two men ran away and leapt into the vehicle driving away.
"Mom, why is she not moving?" Rosie asked as she knelt beside Zoe with Maggie.
"Zoe. Darling. Zoe."
*          *          *
I watched as the ambulance drove away before trudging down the path to my house.
"Hey, Phoebe, do you want a lift?" Jade asked.
"Uh, no it's fine thanks." I called. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight, using it to guide my way to the hedge. I climbed through the hole and rushed across the field. I managed to cimb into my window and get into the darkness of my room without making too much noise. I sighed in relief, running a hand through my hair until a voice spoke up from the rocking chair by the bookshelf.
"What do you think you're doing?"

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