* 13 *

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Is that a horse?"
"Pin?" I croaked as I heard my dad mutter to his henchmen,
"Deal with him."
"What's going on?" He asked walking forwards into the cove. He hadn't seen my trembling form on the floor yet.
"I want to know what's going on." Pin demanded.
"Beat it." One of dad's henchmen warned. My dad was watching carefully, stood in front of me. I heard a noise behind me and craned my neck to see a riding hat behind some rocks.
"Raven," A voice hissed.
"Zoe?" I whispered weakly.
"Oh my god, Phoebe!" She hissed, looking at my form with horror in her eyes. She ducked as my dad looked back, glaring down at me on the floor, still trembling. Pin hadn't backed off and Dad seemed diverted so Zoe tried to coax Raven away.
"I had a feeling you might show up." Zoe looked up guiltily as dad looked over her.
"Zoe, run!" I coughed. The two men dragged Pin forwards and he looked down at me, shocked.
"Phoebe..." He gasped.
"I'm taking him home." Zoe said defiantly.
"I'm afraid we can't let some little girl stand in our way, his new owner's been waiting for him for a very long time. And they're getting impatient, so step away from the horse."
He stepped closer towards Zoe and that was when Pin yelled, lunging forwards. I flinched as Dad turned on him, hitting across the face.
"Pin! No! Stop, please, don't hurt him." I begged, pushing myself up into a sitting position. Slowly I managed to stand.
"Stupid girl!" He yelled, making me flinch. Suddenly Zoe grabbed my hand, pulling me backwards, she pushed me towards Raven and with a great effort and groan of pain I clambered on. She hopped on after me and gripped the reins.
"Get out of here!" Pin cried and I locked gazes with him, nodding as Raven galloped past the three men.
"Zoe, go left..." I groaned, clutching my side as I looked over my shoulder at the car following us.
"Through the trees." I urged.
We emerged into a field, the car still following us. However, Raven stopped suddenly at the sight of the river at the bottom of the field.
"I know you're scared. But you need to let go." Zoe whispered.
"You can do it, Raven." I added weakly. As we approached the river I felt light as air as we lifted off the ground and landed on the grass on the other side. Dad hurriedly got out of the car and rushed towards us but it was too late. The police car pulled up and Derek got out, grabbing and handcuffing him. I slid off Raven's back with Zoe's help.
"You look awful." She whispered sadly.
"Thanks." I managed to cough out a laugh before taking a deep gasp of air as everything started spinning.
"Zoe?" I clutched onto her arm as everything whirled around me before going black.
*. *. *
I groaned as I sat up. I was in a small cramped room that seemed to be moving.
"Hey, Phoebe, is it? Don't move too much. I've bandaged you up as best I can but we need to get you to the hospital soon." I nodded at the kind ambulance lady, wincing slightly at the movement.
"Could we possibly stop somewhere first, please?" I begged, looking up at her pleadingly.
"I don't know if -"
"It's urgent!" I begged. She thought for a moment before nodding.
"Where is it that you need to be, oh so desperately?"
*. *. *.
"And now, it's time to announce the county show winner. This was the closest we've ever seen it. With just one point in it... It gives me great pleasure to announce that this years winner is... Bright Field Stables!"
I smiled up at the kind ambulance lady as she wheeled me along. She had agreed to let me see the results of the show on the condition that I had to be in a wheelchair because she didn't want me damaging myself any more.
I cheered happily as I watched all my friends race forwards to recieve the trophy. However, I noticed two people who weren't so happy. I thanked the lady from the ambulance and she allowed me a few minutes by myself.
"Did you see her? How can she have lived with that monster?" I gulped as I slowly wheeled my way towards Pin and Zoe, overhearing their conversation.
"I have a feeling it'a been going on for a while..." Zoe admitted quietly.
"It's my fault. I should have stayed with her the night of the dance, I -"
"Hey, it wasn't your fault. Either of you."
They both spun around with the same shocked look.
"Phoebe?! What are you doing here? You should be in hospital." Zoe worried as she raced forwards. I couldn't miss Bright Fields' win now, could I?" I managed a weak laugh, wincing slightly.
Pin shook his head as he looked down at me.
"God, Phoebe, I'm so sorry -"
"I already told you, it's not your fault." I smiled weakly at him.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but Phoebe, here, has to go now."
I nodded weakly,
"I'll see you."

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