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"Oh, sorry!" I apologised profusely as I almost tipped scalding hot coffee and hot chocolate all over one of the Holloway kids. Looking up I noticed that I'd actually collided with my boyfriend, Pin.
"You okay?" He asked, looking down at me worriedly, grabbing my arm to steady me.
"Yeah I just headed into town to get some drinks for everyone."
"All the way into town?" He asked, looking over my shoulder. "On foot!"
I nodded slightly.
"It's not exactly like I can complain." I sighed. I didn't mind Holloway. The people were nice and the lessons were good but I missed my friends in Bright Fields. They seemed to hate me now. I still hadn't had messages from anyone. Even Pin was getting more distant and changing slightly, He was less of the kind and caring soul that I first met when I came here, looking after an injured moor pony.
And it wasn't a secret that he likes Zoe. As much as he tried to hide it, he got a strange glint in his eyes when he talked about her and if we went past Bright Fields he'd always impersonate a meerkat, trying to peer over the hedges to see her.
"Where are you going?" I asked and he showed me a small silver key.
"Gaby stole it from Mia."
The key to the safe in Bright Fields where she must've hidden the money. I nodded with a small 'ohhh'.
"Good luck." I smiled sweetly up at him and he placed a swift kiss to my cheek before rushing past me down the lane.
"Phoebe!" I looked up at the familiar voice of Gaby. We had become quite close in the few weeks I'd been here. Alex, Fin and Callum were all lovely but Gaby was able to understand me.
"Is that my- "
"Double chocolate mocha with cream and sprinkles? Yeah." I laughed and she grinned gratefully, helping me carry the rest of the coffees and hot chocolates for the three boys.
I followed Gaby into the cosy quiet room that housed two comfy sofas, a variety of beanbags, a tv and hundreds of books on the bookcase spanning a whole wall. The light came from the fire in the fireplace which added to the effect of the room, especially when it stared to rain outside and got darker. I handed out the drinks to Fin, Alex and Callum and then grabbed a book off the bookshelf. I pulled a beanbag over to the couch where Gaby and Fin sat and sat with the couch on my left and Alex, on another beanbag on my right.
About half an hour later, Pin returned, dripping wet. He walked over to me with a rare grin plastered on his face as he stood over me, curled up on a beanbag and shook his head like a dog, droplets of water splashing onto my face.
"Pin!" I shrieked in protest, too lazy to run away. He chuckled and collapsed down on the beanbag next to me, after grabbing a blanket from the basket in the corner. Alex moved his beanbag over to the other side of the couch next to Callum.
Pin wrapped his lanky arms around my frame and for a moment I forgot about all my worries, about the fact that I knew I was going to be hurt once more, and snuggled into my boyfriend's side.

*. *. *.

It hurt. I couldn't lie. I had arrived home late that night and headed straight to my room. My mom followed me upstairs a few moments later and sat herself beside me on the bed where I had thrown myself, head in my pillow, sobbing.
"Oh sweetie. What happened?" She asked, stroking my head gently. It had been a long time since a parent of mine had treated me so kindly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked and I sniffled before lying on my back.
"You remember back in America? In LA, before your ranch and dad's drinking?"
She nodded, still stroking my hair.
"Zoe and I had a group of friends, and I had a boyfriend. Aaron. He was the kindest, sweetest guy ever and he adored me. Or so I thought. He confessed to Zoe only three months later. She declined him of course, sent him away with a slap and never talked to him again. But I think it's happening again.
I love Pin, mom. I really do but it's like he has feelings for both of us at once and I'm just holding him back."
"But you're his girlfriend. You're not holding him back."
I sighed exasperatedly.
"And now because of this deal with Holloway, everyone at Bright Fields hates me."
"Oh dear. Phoebe..." Mom sighed. "I know this must be hard for you. But you and Zoe are best friends, something like this won't break you apart. It's just a... slight bump in the road. But you'll soon be over it. Especially with those riding skills of yours."
I chuckled as she poked my ribs lightly, causing me to wriggle.
"And this issue with Pin shall sort itself. If he is worth it then it will work between the two of you. If he can't see how absolutely wonderful and beautiful you are then he's not worth it." She wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"Anyway, you seem rather close with a young Alex."
"Mom!" I gasped before bursting into fits of giggles.
"He's a great friend."
She raised an eyebrow.
"Oh my god, get out!" I laughed, pushing her off the bed. She chuckled and raised her hands in the air.
"Alright, alright. I'm going!"

Free Rein P.Hजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें