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Fully haven't even checked for spelling mistakes yet lol, feel free to alert me to them :)
Holy crap it's been a year since the last chapter sorryyyyy

I walked with Alex to the stables, laughing as he tripped over his own two feet.
We both separated as we walked in and headed towards our respective horses. When I got to where Joey was tacked up someone was already petting him.
He looked up inquisitively.
"Phoebe." He nodded in response.
"Is everything ok?"
"Mhm. Joey was a little restless so I was just trying to calm him down."
"Oh, thank you." I stood beside him but he didn't look up.
"Hey, are you ok? I thought we were good now?"
He paused his motions.
"It's not you."
I frowned stepping closer. "Pin? Did something happen?"
"My mum. She's back."
My jaw dropped ever so slightly and I took a sharp intake of breath. He didn't say anything further so I didn't press the situation.
"If you need to talk... I'll be here."
I felt his eyes on me and dropped my gaze to focus intently on Joey, gently patting the side of his flank. Pin went over to check on Raven at Zoe's request and I watched them out of the corner of my eye. I was brushing Joey so absentmindedly that when Zoe called out to Gaby I jumped and almost let out a small yelp of surprise. I turned to look at Gaby for her réponse only to see her lead her horse directly into the stables. I was closer to the pen Gaby had entered and I could just about make out the sound of her voice. Two voices actually. I swapped sides so that I was brushing joey on the side closest to the stables, giving me a better vantage point to overhear. I could make out a male voice. One that I'd in fact been hearing for the last hour or two of training.
"No need- suspicious - Zoe."
I frowned and my brushing ceased as I strained to hear the full conversation. I started as I heard footsteps coming my way, returning to brushing Joey dutifully. Moments later James appeared, striding purposefully across the courtyard. I watched his retreating back suspiciously.
"Hey Phoebe. Everything ok? I've finished up so I was just about to head over to the grass for some lunch. Wanna join?"
"Oh yeah of course! I was just finishing up with Joey now." I plastered a smile on my face before letting Pin lead Joey into the stalls themselves.
Alex and I had a quick chat about strategy before conversation flowed into more carefree topics such as the best way to spend a day off from training. Not that we had any of those in sight anytime soon.
We were making our way across the lawn when we saw Mia sitting next to and talking animatedly to Becky. I pointed and we shared a bemused glance, darting behind a group of bushes and then running around the wall so that to an unsuspecting eye it looked like we were having a conversation sitting on the floor while using the wall to support our backs. In actuality we had a good vantage point to listen to the conversation.
"The amount of eavesdropping I've done today is mad." I whispered to Alex.
"You better share whatever else it was that you overheard later."
I grinned at him and nodded before we both turned our attentions back to Mia and Becky.
"You could dress up, you could do a pre-competition show. It's a great idea!"
I hadn't heard Mia so animated since the incident at Bright Fields.
"What's happening? Are we hugging? We're hugging." At Becky's confused questioning Alex and I peered over the edge of the wall.
"They're hugging!" I whispered to him, my jaw practically hitting the floor. I froze as I heard the metal gate creak as Mia pushed it open, saying something about her feeling that Bob would save Bright Fields all over again but luckily she was too focused on smiling at Becky to notice us crouched behind her.
"Okay, no pressure there." Becky sighed, looking over at Bob who was having the time of his life eating the fresh grass.
Alex and I shared a conspiratorial glance before sneaking up on Becky, each on one side.
"Aww Becky, don't be glum." Alex cheered as he sat on her left side.
"This is a great opportunity!" I agreed as I simultaneously sat on her right side. She only hummed in non-committable way.
"Come on Becky. You can tell us. What's the issue?"
She sighed deeply and stood, walking to her horse before facing us.
"I'm worried about Bob. Look at him. He's cracking under all of this pressure. One day to figure out a costume also isn't enough time."
"Honestly Becky, we all have the utmost faith in you and in Bob. He's Bright Field's hero. He's already on a lucky streak anyways." I offered her a kind smile and she gave me half a smile back.
"If anyone can be eye catching and show stopping enough for a pre competition show... it's Bob." Alex grinned.
"How's it going?" Suddenly Mia was behind us again.
"How does she do that?" Alex whispered and I giggled quietly.
We watched in stunned silence as she announced to Becky that they should go shopping after training and gave her yet another hug.
Our eyes widened comically and we had to stifle our laughter at Becky's bemused expression. As Mia walked away Becky took a seat next to us on the wall again.
"We hug now. I think I preferred it when she was mean to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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