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"I challenge Holloway to a race." Mia announced, eyes cold and watching us all with a stern glare. "This is a game of truth or dare, isn't it? Your best rider against ours."
"Great." Marcus nodded. "Pin, you're up."
Pin nodded, clambering off the rock he was seated on
"I've got this." Zoe added as she stood up readily. I sighed. This was going to be interesting.
I followed Pin and the group from Holloway as Pin retrieved his new horse and Zoe her own, Raven of course.

*. *. *.

"Where's Elvis?" Zoe asked as her and Pin lined up next to one another on the beach.
"This is my new horse." Pin replied, patting Jet gently.
"Since when?" Zoe asked.
"Since I started riding to win."
From beside the two horses, by the rocks next to the others I narrowed my eyes. I'd never heard Pin speak like that before and, as much as I dreaded it, I realised that Holloway was changing him. And not for the better.
I missed the boy that I met when I first came to the Island. It was almost unfathomable how he had changed so much in such a little amount of time.
Before I could delve any further into my thoughts Callum spoke up above the excited whoosh of the waves.
"The course is simple. Through the sand dunes, to the edge of wreckers cove and back again. First one across the line wins." He said, picking up a stick and walking backwards, drawing a line in the damp sand.
"Right then." Alex stepped forwards, rubbing his hands excitedly. "Three, two, one, Ride!"
They were off like bullets, tearing down the beach, both horses being pushed to their utmost limits of speed. I hit my lip nervously.
My mind wanted Pin to win but my heart longed for me to not hate my best friend and to wish for her to win.
Some small, evil part of me couldn't help but hope that whoever lost would then hate the other and everything would then work out fine.
They soon disappeared around the corner and we all clambered onto the rocks to get a better view as they raced through the sand dunes.
"Pin'a going to get to the cove first." Jade called.
"What did you say to get him on that horse?" Alex asked.
"Nothing." Gaby replied. "It's personal, between him and Zoe." Alex nodded, a curious look coming into his eyes. It was gone in a flash.
I clenched my fists and closed my eyes tightly.
A sudden warmth enveloped my hand however and my eyes flew open. Alex was smiling down at me gently. I noticed that my palm was now cold, he had unclenched my fist and then thrown an arm casually around my shoulders. I chuckled slightly at his actions, cursing myself for the blush that splashed across my face in response to his grin.
I whooped as the two horses appeared onto the final stretch of beach. Pin was ahead of Zoe by only a couple of steps. Gaby and Callum shared a triumphant look.
At the last moment Raven started speeding up. I gasped, my hand flying to cover my mouth a so relapse that Zoe held a stick in her hand. A makeshift whip.
"No, she wouldn't..." I whispered.
Raven flew across the line seconds before Jet and the two horses continued around the corner.
All of us scrambled after them.
For once my long legs gave me the advantage, and my rock climbing abilities from a club I did back in America when I was young allowed me to scramble over the rocks and sand dunes quicker than the rest of the group.
I turned the corner, the wind blowing in my direction, carrying voices, loud and clear.
"Truth or dare Zoe. How do you really feel about me?"
"It's too late anyway... I- I-"
I turned the corner in time to see Pin lean forwards, connecting his lips to Zoe's.
It was as though time had stopped. I didn't feel anything and I felt everything, all at once. Rage, sadness, confusion. I felt it all.
My mind was a middle of thoughts and I didn't have time to straighten them out before everyone else had arrived, shouting angrily about Zoe's use of the whip. I had all but forgotten about it. The whip, the race, everything. My mind decided to torture me with the image, inscribing it in my brain.
"Nice way to treat your horse." Gaby accused, running up to Zoe.
"My horse is fine Gaby." Zoe scoffed. As if in response to her statement, Raven snorted and neighed, backing away from Zoe before racing off down the beach.
"Raven, I'm so sorry I-"
"I'll go get him." Pin decided.
"I'll help you." Gaby added.
I watched helplessly as they walked away. Everyone around me sighed and headed back to the picnic.
It was only Zoe and I left standing there. She looked at me helplessly and I almost ran to her. Almost.
Until the image flashed through my mind again. A powerful rage flowed through me, a wildfire, burning more and more out of control. I clenched my jaw and turned on my heel, leaving Zoe standing on the beach by herself.

*.          *.          *. 

I returned to Holloway a few hours later than everyone else. I needed time to myself, to clear my head.
I had taken the long route, from the beach up through the forest and then down the high street before walking across fields to get to Holloway.
By the time I arrived it was late and only those who boarded there overnight would still be around.
During my walk I had managed to arrange my thoughts coherently.
Pin and Zoe had kissed, therefore Pin had cheated on me and Zoe on Marcus.
I was already angry at Zoe.
This point required some debating. Technically I was forced to cut ties with Zoe when I joined Holloway but it was easier to stop talking to her when I thought of her interactions with Pin, even before the kiss.
I heaved a deep sigh as I closed the door to the lounge behind me.
I grabbed one of the cushions from the sofa and dropped it on the large windowsill. Upon sitting on it I stared out the window at the darkening British countryside. Hills rose and fell majestically, adorned with trees like little toppings on a cake.
I didn't realise I was crying until I felt tears dripping onto my hands. I sighed angrily, wiping my cheeks and nose.
Suddenly the familiar click of the door opening rang throughout the room and my eyes snapped to the door, hands covering my face guiltily.

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