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There's some stuff at the end that you might want to skip if you're not comfortable with violence.

I stood nervously outside the door, being able to hear the music already.

"You ready?" Zoe asked. I shook my head nervously.
"Hey, we just caught a horse thief. We can do anything!" She reassured me. I smiled gratefully at her.
"Hey don't worry about Pin. It's his loss." Jade added and I smiled gratefully at the three girls.
"Let's do this." I said as we walked through the drapes. The barn was lit up with hundreds of lanterns and lights, there was a stage too and many people already dancing.
"Welcome to Pony Prom." Rosie said as we walked over to where she was talking with Suzie. "What happened to you guys?" Rosie asked, referring to Becky's very muddy face.
"We just caught the horse thief that's what happened." Becky announced.
"What?" Sam asked. I gasped and quickly raced behind a pile of decorative tyres that had been painted pastel colours.
"It's true. We found him sneaking around the old barn and we totally caught him."
"That's amazing." Marcus commented.
"I have a feeling tonight is going to be a great night." Zoe said as she turned around and winked at me. I grinned and turned around, only to stop in my tracks as I saw Pin entering the barn. With Mia on his arm.

I gasped and stumbled backwards, almost pushing over the tyres.

"Careful." I looked up to see Marcus, reaching out to hold the tyres up.
"Thanks." I smiled at him and he nodded before walking away, casting a glance at Zoe as she walked over with Becky and Jade. I smiled secretively and followed the trio.
"I don't know about you guys but I'm not buying Mia and Pin."
"You mean Pia?" Jade asked.
"Or Min." Becky added.
"She's obviously using him just to get back at Marcus."
"And it's not working." I added, looking at him.

"Aw, Poor Derek." Jade said as she pointed to the police officer who had just walked in and was attempting to talk to Sam.
"He arrested the horse thief." Becky said.
"He at least deserves a dance." Zoe giggled and I nodded before gasping as all three of them left me standing by myself.
"Great." I sighed, awkwardly bopping to the music. I looked down at my shoes as Pin and Mia walked past, feeling Pin staring at me as he passed. I brushed my hair over my shoulder so I could hide behind it and so no one would see my blush. I walked over to Zoe as she came back from matching Derek and Sam.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"What?" I asked, slightly offended.
"Pin is over there. By himself." She said, spinning me round and shoving me forwards. I tripped in my heels and she winced apologetically before making shooing motions with her hands.
"Fine!" I huffed.

"Hey, raiding the sweet bar, huh?" I asked with a laugh. Pin didn't reply. "So... You and Mia, huh?"
"Yeah." He replied.
"Cool... Look, Pin. All I wanted was for you to come and have fun. With me, Mia, whoever. Have a good night."
"I will." He nodded.
"Great." I said, before awkwardly walking away.

* * *
"Attention Pony Prom-mers. It's time to announce Prom King and Queen." I listened to Rosie as she stood on the stage, complimenting all of us. I was stood by the door to get some fresh air, it had started raining about 5 minutes ago.
"Tonight each and every one of you looks like a prom king or queen. But when it comes to Prom King or Queen, there can only be one winning couple. And the winners are... Mia and Marcus!"
I was standing by the door when I felt someone brush past me. I looked up in surprise and saw Pin marching out.
"Hey! What's wrong?"
"I'm going home." Pin said. I sighed and raced out into the rain after him.
"Why? It's pouring. It's probably dangerous."
"What are you even doing here, Phoebe?" Pin demanded, turning back to look at me. I winced due to the onslaught of rain. "Go back inside, your friends will miss you. You don't need to look after me."
"What? Pin you've got to be kidding me. Ok, I care about you! You are my friend! Do you not understand what that means?"
"Of course I do! I care about you, Phoebe. I care about you a lot more than you do me." He said, fisting his hands at his side.
"What? You're the one who came with Mia, Pin! I know you want to push people away because you don't want to get hurt but I like you, Pin. I really do!" I was shouting now, trying to be heard over the thunder and rain. "Never mind!" I yelled, turning to go back inside but Pin gripped my wrist.
"Phoebe, wait!" I turned back harshly and ended up landing against his chest. I looked up and noticed how close we were. I could see the rain droplets dripping off his long eyelashes and trickling down his face. My eyes flickered to his lips and back up but before he could lean in the lights went off and everyone started shouting. Then, somewhere a horse started neighing frantically. I listened hard and recognized the sound. Moments later, Zoe rushed out and I rushed after her, leaving Pin to call after me.

We arrived at Raven's stall to find it empty.

"Zoe, I'm so sorry." I cried as I knelt beside her. She wrapped her arms around my waist as she cried and I patted her head.

"Come on, it's time to go."
I handed Zoe over to her Mum and started to walk home. I heard footsteps behind me and whirled round. Pin was standing there.
"Are you walking home?" He asked.
"Yeah. Just go home, Pin. I'll be fine."
"But - "
"I mean it." I sighed as I climbed through the hole in the fence into the field.

I managed to unlock the door after the first try and I stumbled defeatedly into the living room.
"I told you, that was your last chance." I shrieked as the light flicked on and my dad stood in the corner. My gaze drifted down to the poker that he had taken from the fireplace.
"Dad, I'm sorry. Forgive me, please. I didn't - "
"SHUT UP!" I jumped violently.
"You've reached the last straw, young lady." I whimpered as he strode closer towards me.
"Please, Dad. Stop!" I said, tears already overflowing.
"I think you need to learn your lesson. I've lost my patience with you."

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