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Two weeks later.

"Can I crash at your place for a little while?" My voice is shaky. I look at the mess that is my apartment. It looks like a tornado passed through. My furniture was turned upside down and glass was shattered all over my kitchen floor. My room was destroyed, clothes thrown everywhere and my laptop was completely done for. Someone broke into my apartment and I don't know what they were searching for because nothing valuable is missing.

"What happened?" Gigi asks me. Before I could answer I gasp. There is a message written in red letters on my bathroom mirror: 'I'm warning you Stella!'

"Gigi someone broke into my place... they trashed it and they wrote on my mirror! This is getting out of hand" I bring my hand up to my forehead as I take it all in. Why is this happening to me?

The strangest things have been happening lately. Notes are being left at my apartment door, on my car windshield, and in my locker at work. It's a mystery who's leaving them behind but I have been on edge because of the creepy messages. It has been nonstop for two weeks. "Stay away from him." "I keep tabs on you." "You don't know how to stay away." "He's mine." "You don't even love him." And now they've gone too far by breaking into my home. I don't feel safe anywhere. Someone is stalking me.

"Hurry and get out of there, grab what you need and call the cops! And don't get off the phone with me, stay on the line until you're in your car."

I nod my head even though she can't see. "Okay... okay let me pack a bag" I place my phone on the kitchen counter and press the speaker button. I rush to my room. Panic is flooding inside of me. I go into my closet and grab a duffle bag, shoving all the clothes I can fit into there. I grab my toiletry bag from underneath my skin and throw it in the bag. I sigh as I pick up my laptop and bury it in the duffle bag. Maybe if I take it to the police station they can see if any prints were left on it. After going over a mental list and making sure I have everything that is essential I zip up the bag and rush to the front door, grabbing my phone off the counter. I look over my shoulder to look at my apartment. This was my place but someone has came and violated my space making me feel unsafe in my own home. I frown and shut the door behind me.

I unlock my car and slip into the driver side, throwing my bag into the back. My trembling hands try to start my car. I take a deep breathe as I pull out of my parking spot and drive to Gigi's.

"I'm almost to your house. I'm going to put the call in and let them know where I'll be" I tell her. She gives me an okay and I end the call then quickly dial 9-1-1.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" A sweet voice on the other line.

"Hi I'm calling to report a break in..." my voice trials off.

"What's going on?"
"Someone broke into my apartment and they left a message. I think I have a stalker because they've been leaving notes at my apartment and at my work!" I explain.

"Okay Ma'am can you please give me your address?"
"257 Lilac Road, it's apartment 33!"

"We're sending help now. Are you somewhere safe?"
"I'm heading to my friends to stay with her until I know it's safe to live at my apartment again."

"And are we sure this stalker does not know where your friend lives?"

"I don't know..." I say, hoping I'm not putting Gigi in danger.

"Hey we will figure this out together. Everything is going to be okay. I'm sending a team to your apartment and I will also need your friends address to have someone come by and take a statement."

FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now