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Five minutes. That was how much time I had until the clock hit midnight. I arrived to Tyler's apartment complex 10 minutes ago but haven't stepped down from my car yet. Instead, I have been sitting inside my car staring out the window, the memory of the last time I spoke to Tyler running through my mind. I was so angry with him that day, and he seemed so scared. And then he was dead the next day. Questions start running through my mind. What if the person who went after Tyler and Savannah somehow got my number and is the one who sent me the message? But why me? Why would they want to meet up with me and out of all places, at Tylers apartment? Two minutes. My stomach starts turning and twisting. I shouldn't have came. Not alone at least but here I am, and they said I would regret if I didn't come alone. That means everyone I love and care about would be at risk and I wasn't going to let that happen. I took a deep breathe before opening my car door. My phone went off before I could even take a step. 

Are you on your way back yet?

I read the message from Evan before putting my phone inside of my purse. I made sure to put my pocket knife and pepper spray in my purse just incase things were to go left. I scanned the lot as I made my way inside the complex and to the elevator. The hallway was quiet. There was a soft buzz before the doors to the elevator opened. I stepped on and pressed the button with the number three on it. The doors opened again once the elevator reached the 3rd floor. I hesitated for a moment before I forced myself to move. I took one slow step after the other, my eyes looking behind me as I continued walking towards Tyler's apartment. The only noise was coming from the opposite hall, someone was up watching tv with their surround system on at an inconsiderate level for this time of night. My breathe caught in my throat as the door to Tyler's apartment came into view. It was slightly open. I only stood there staring through the crack where nothing but darkness waited for me, and someone. I shouldn't be here. Everything inside of me was screaming at me to head back to that elevator and get the hell out of here but my feet couldn't move. They wouldn't move. I reached inside of my purse and felt around. Once my fingers met against cold metal, I kept my hand there as I took a step forward. With my free hand I gave the door a slight push. The door groaned as I stepped into the darkness. I felt around the wall searching for a light switch. There was nothing but darkness surrounding me.

"Hello?" I call out. No answer. My instincts kept yelling for me to run. "I'm here like you asked me to be. I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but let's just get this over with."

I reached for my phone and turned the flashlight on, using it to guide me to a lightswitch. I walked over to the kitchen and flipped the switch. The lights came on revealing an empty apartment. My heart sank at the sight. Everything that once belonged to Tyler was now gone. Tyler was gone and not a trace of him was left behind, like he never existed. One thing that I couldn't understand was how was someone able to get in here? Did they have a spare key to the apartment? Nothing about this was making sense. I slowly started making my way towards bedroom. 

"I'd appreciate it if you would stop playing with me and tell me what it is that you want." My phone buzzed seconds later. I froze in my steps as I read the text. 


What the fuck? I keep one hand on my knife as I take another step towards the bedroom to which the door was closed. I swallowed hard before reaching for the doorknob. There is someone standing on the other side of this door and I have no idea what I am letting myself walk into. I turned the knob and let the door swing open but I didn't walk in, I stayed at the door instead and squinted my eyes as I looked around. I pointed my phone towards where the bed would have been. Nothing. I stayed by the door and listened for any noise, any breathing, anything that I could catch but there was nothing, absolutely nothing but a silence that was setting my nerves on fire. I took a few more steps in, scanned the empty bedroom. The bathroom door was closed. Again, my phone buzzed. I looked behind me but no one was there. I glanced at the screen.

It's getting hot in here.

Where are you? I write back. I wait a few minutes but my message stays on delivered. I look to the bathroom door going over what my next move should be. Screw whoever is messing with me and leave and possibly risk putting my loved ones in danger or opening that bathroom door and putting myself at risk. I know I would rather put my life at risk. 

My nerves were all over the place as I got closer and closer to that door. Come on Stella, just open the door so we can get this over with. Maybe this is all a prank. Some stupid halloween prank. I let out a long breathe before opening the door. 

I felt my phone slip out of my hands and heard the hard thud it made when it met the ground. All the air left my body as I stumbled backwards, gasping for air. I didn't even realize I was screaming until I heard the front door shut. I grabbed my knife out of my purse and held it up high in front of me, waiting for whoever to walk through the bedroom door but nobody came. I reached for my phone but stopped as I realized how close it was to her body.

There she was, propped up against the toilet. Her eyes were wide open and lifeless as they stared at me. Blood pooled around her and it didn't look completely dry which means she hasn't been dead that long. I couldn't control the sobs that came out of my mouth as I couldn't do anything but look at her. At Savannah. 

The screen to my phone lit up with another message. My hands were trembling as I carefully reached for my phone which was only inches away from the pool of blood and slid it towards me. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as I unlocked my phone and read the words on the screen.

Happy Halloween Stella.

FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now