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It feels like the rain has only gotten heavier throughout the day. More violent. Harsh.

Gigi, Mazzey and I sit in the waiting room. Waiting.

In through the entrance doors walks in Amanda, drenched from head to toe. Our eyes meet immediately.

She's been crying. Probably the whole way here since I called her.

She walks in silence towards us, shaking. I'm not sure if it's from the rain or from the crying. Both maybe.

She takes the empty seat to my right. A cold hand reaches for my hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

"How are they?" She whispers, not asking anyone in particular.

My eyes continue to at the same blue square on the floor.

It feels like it's been hours. Painful. Unbearable. Excruciating long hours sitting in this waiting room for someone to give us an update. But no one has walked through those double doors to tell us anything.

"No update yet. On either Savannah and the baby or him" Mazzey answers.

"Do you think he'll make it?" Amanda's voice trembles.

"We have to believe he will. He has to." Gigi answering this time. I stay quiet.

I haven't been able to say a word since I saw them roll Savannah in that gurney covered in blood. Her eyes wide with such fear. My entire body froze when our eyes locked. She looked at me in a way she never has before as she mouthed, "help them." I knew right away she meant the baby and him. She didn't care if she died, just as long as we saved them.

"I can't believe this is happening to Savannah. They're going to have to get that baby out tonight! Probably doing just that as we speak..." Mazzey says. "How could anyone attack a pregnant woman?"

"Her crazy ex. That's who."
"Who even knew she had a crazy ex?" Amanda asks.

"No one. Savannah didn't talk to any of us but to be fair, we didn't talk to her either" Mazzey shakes her head.

She's right. Ever since we started our internship, none of us were really close to Savannah. We've had our differences. Fights. Many of them. We never got along since the start. There were plenty of times I wish Savannah weren't here at this same hospital because she made everything so difficult for all of us. Starting so much unnecessary drama. I wished everyday for her to be far away.

But this is something I would've never wished upon her.

"Stella, you haven't said a word. Are you okay babe?" Gigi rubs my back gently. I bring my eyes to look at her. I don't know how to answer her honestly. How could I be okay?

"G, I don't know. None of this is processing. How do terrible things keep happening? So many things could go wrong and I'm not trying to be the negative one here but what are we gonna do if Savannah loses her baby? And him? Or what if the baby survives and they're both left without him or-"

"Stella, breathe"
"I'm trying my best."

"Guys, Victor" Amanda stands up from her chair.

Victor's eyes land on me as he walks into the waiting room. Then to everyone else as he slowly approaches us. His fists are clenched together, squeezing his scrub cap in them.

My heart immediately drops. I know that look on his face. Behind his eyes. The time I've spent with him, I've come to learn that his eyes speak for him more than his own lips do sometimes. And it's not good news they speak. That's all it takes for the tears to break through.

Victor walks up to me first, taking me into his arms. Not caring that we're at work and in front of people we work with. He just embraces me, whispering into my hair that he's sorry.

"Dr. Russel, what is it?" Mazzey speaks up.

"Russell... are they okay?" Amanda asks, trying her best to sound like she isn't about to cry.

"There were complications"


FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now