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"Thank god this shift is over!"

Mazzey sighs out in annoyance as she threw her tote bag over her shoulder. "Working with Dr. Russell these past few days have been intense and I feel like I have not been on my A game lately." she rubs her temple. The last time I seen Mazzey this stressed was when she couldn't decide between a Dior purse or a vintage Chanel one. Because those were the kind of problems Mazzey dealt with. 

"I don't know how you do it. You make it look so easy" Mazzey looks over at me as we walk out out of the hospital, "tell me your secrets."

 I wanted nothing more but to go home to Evan, let him take my clothes off and do my favorite kind of cardio and go right to bed afterwards but tonight is Gigi's Halloween party. There was no opting out of this one because I will never hear the end of it if I didn't make an appearance tonight.

"Oh, he's not all that bad" I grin, "and I really don't have any secrets. I just show up and do my part."  All of my friends always have the same experience after working with Victor. On edge and horrified. It never fails when they come to me asking for tips on how to survive working with him. It wasn't that he was terrible or mean, he just has a certain way of doing things and holds all the interns to the same standards. He pushes you, asks you questions, does not hold back on what he thinks you need improvements on or what you're doing wrong. He doesn't make anything easy and does not let any small thing or mistake go unnoticed. Personally, I think that's how every attending should be. I wouldn't want anyone who wasn't like Victor because how would I be able to become the best surgeon if my mentor wasn't pushing me to my limits and making me question if I'm doing my absolute best everyday? Everyone should want someone like Victor Russell as their mentor. Or maybe it's just me, I don't know.

"Not that bad? Stels, I swear I have cried a good 20 times and not just this week but today alone!!"

"You are so dramatic" I reach into my bag, feeling around the bottom for my keys. I could see Maz rolling her eyes from the corner of my own. 

"Well my dramatic ass is going to head home and cry some more in the shower before I head to this party. I'll see you there?" 

"See you there" I try to sound excited as I throw my bag into my passenger seat.

"Drive fast and take chances" Mazzey blows an air kiss to me before disappearing into her car. Her engine revs and she's already reversing out of her parking spot before I could even shift my car into reverse. I watch her car from my rearview mirror as she makes her way out of the hospital parking lot. I say a silent prayer to myself that she makes home in one piece.


Evan was already in the shower by the time I got home. I didn't feel like waiting on him to finish so instead, I joined him. Saving water is important. Once we finished our very steamy shower and got ready, we finally made our way out the door. Hopefully Gigi was drunk enough to not notice I was running late. 

"Damn, I cannot believe how incredibly sexy you look as a pirate!" Evan took my hand in his and pressed his lips against my skin. A smile crept across my face as I looked at him. "Just know the ship would always be rocking and not because of the waves." I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"You are the biggest dork I have ever met!"

"Yeah? I'm trying to be your dork."

"Shut up" I give his shoulder a playful shove. 

"Only if you give me a kiss" Evan leans in towards me with his lips puckered. 

"Focus on the road"

"We're at a red light" he points his chin towards the traffic light. I roll my eyes but with a smile as I grab his face and pull him closer to me. I tease him with a little tongue before breaking away. He lets out a groan as the light turns green. "I hate you."

FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ