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We decided to meet in Tucker's family house again. Only this time, my real parents joined us. To say my foster parents were surprised was an understatement. They all knew each other, looked at each other like they were long time friends than again strangers considering the time gap between the two of them. Not to mention, their products- Tabisha and I- stuck in the middle of their issues.

It's been a month since my arrest. Since Tabisha was caught trying to attack me and now she's under watch. She was too important to go back to jail and if she had another strike she wouldn't take part in the project. Now that it's February, I wanted to enjoy the sunshine outside. Wanted to feel the month's warmth psychically since I lacked it emotionally.

The meeting was planned in the late afternoon and I was already with Tucker in the morning. The rest of the people from Nightstalkers came to Silentcrest, drawing attention as Tucker's pack watched with curiously. Of course I tried not to mind because I shouldn't let it destroy my future. This meeting was supposed to about solving everything at once. Figure this whole misunderstanding so we see where we go from here. Although all has happened is create more tension and discomfort.

It took us a few minutes to get us settled. Me next to my real parents- my mother only close enough that you can put two and two together. Tucker was on my left, holding my hand and providing support. His family left the house so we can have the privacy. Opposite us is Alpha Tadeo, Tabisha and my parents.

This is how it was supposed to be, I thought, and unintentionally placed the fake title under my foster parents.

"I want to begin with apologises and thankfulness," Alpha Tadeo addresses the meeting. My eyes castes over to my foster parents and they are looking between me and my parents besides me. I felt conflicted to who I choose. Do I have to? "First, Alpha Tucker I'm sorry the burden of the scandal on your shoulders but I really appreciate for the support and place of privacy. Katherine and James thank you for taking the time to join us. I hope we didn't cause any trouble."

"Oh none at all." Katherine dismisses the Alpha and he nods. My eyes flickers to Tabisha who only stares at her parents. I wondered if she misses them and felt any better that someone that loves and knows her are here.

"I believe that this misunderstanding has gone long enough without any real discussion to why there was an issue in the first place. Now I want to know what exactly happened and what is your relationship between the two of you" Alpha Tadeo continues directing to the two parents. Neither of them spoke and silence filled the space for a while.

"We were friends since high school but we grew apart after some time." It was Katherine that spoke first and I  briefly glance at her. She had her eyes on the people opposite us excluding Alpha Tadeo. She sounded... sad.

"I only met Judus at the wedding." James, her husband, added.

"And I James." My father says, looking at James. He had this look I couldn't exactly explain. He was so tense and looked judgemental towards James.

"Okay so how does the children come into play?" Tadeo interrupts my thoughts. "Did you fight? Argue so much that something like this has to happen. Do you have any idea of the danger you put us through?"

"Uh, Alpha Tadeo we sincerely apologise. I guarantee you that this was not planned for attention nor have we took any careless actions regarding  this circumstance. We knew what Tabisha was and will become... because of Marilyn I knew what to expect. I knew how to take care of her and I promise you that she isn't any danger to anyone." Katherine argued as she desperately presents her point.

"Alpha, I can assure you- as a policeman myself- that no one knows what happened or what Tabisha is. She kept the secret this long and I'm sure she was very careful." James butted in as he takes a look at his wife. I turn back to my parents seeing them a little relieved.

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