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Chimmie and I made it inside of one of the sparkles' rich house, escaping from the January blazing heat. I had forgotten how hot it become during the beginning of the year and my mouth become dry with thirst of ice cream.

Chimmie guides me into their living room, walking past sculptures and atonement that costs more then my first year debt from university. We walked upstairs, going round and round until a clean decorated hallway came before us. Chimmie muttered to herself counting each doors until shes find Cindy's bedroom.

"Are sure we're allowed to come in her room. I mean the privacy?" I asked Chimmie as she pushed aside the last door on the left to reveal a neat colourful large room. Despite how much the bed took much of the room, there was still carpet room and it looked soft to feel. I close the door behind me, staring with my mouth open at the expensive neat decor. The room was mostly grey with highlights of bright colours to contrast with the grey carpet.

I took off my sandal still at the door and followed Chimmie to the walk-in closet.

"Drink in the opportunity," Chimmie finally replies as she pushes aside bangles of clothing. "Who knows how long and when we'll get to visit this place again."

"True true," I agreed and kept my eyes on the highly staked heels on far back of the closet. All colours in the rainbow that never ends. I felt like I'm in paradise, all the clothes and shoes was enough to make me feel joyful for that short moment. Of course we only came into Cindy's room to borrow swim suits but I was so caught up with everything that I almost forgot. It wasn't until my phone buzzed that I checked Cindy's message about our whereabouts.

I nudge Chimmie to get her attention, giving her the phone to check. She quickly replies and gives back to me.

"She's gonna eat our ass." Chimmie comments and pulls out any cardboard she sees until we find the swim suits.

"Not unless we swim in these" I say directing to our shorts and tank top. Chimmie rolls her eyes. "Hey, is this only Cindy's room or with Mindy as well?" I asked.

"Only Cindy. Mindy is next door on the right."

I nod, and continued to explore the door. I checked out the bed and I felt like I was sinking into beds of clouds. The covers were smooth against my skin and I felt rich, elegant.

Cindy and Mindy were twins with expensive background. Their parents were part of Nightstalkers council, contributing most funds out of all of us. They were typically brunettes-instead of the cliche blonde girls I thought they'd be the first time I heard their name.

It was around Christmas that I met- even talked to them even though I knew their existence all my life. I was closer to Cindy since she was the nice accepting one out the twin. To lay in her luxury was like being in her shoes, her expensive heels.

"Are you gonna help?" Chimmie asks. I shook my head, eyeing the beautiful designed light bulb on the roof. I though Cindy would have chandeliers in her room considering how rich she is but I guess I am reminded that she is still young. Why go all out? And plus its Mindy that shoes off their money.

"Just because I have Cindy's number and her friend doesn't mean I should ransack her room or at least know where she puts her stuff. That's a new level of friendship." I explained and sat up. Chimmie had find the swim suits and held two up in the air. They were small and tight.

"Which one?" Chimmie smiles.

"Ahh the right one. Your right." I answered and have to admit I'm feeling doubtful that it'll fit. Cindy is small framed and had a model like body figure. I choose the usual one piece swim suit, with a circle cut at the back. My breast felt pressed and restraint as the suit squeezes me like a rubber band contracting in the sun.

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