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My fingers lightly drums on the table, desperately trying to find ways to pass time. I watched Ruby wipe the table as she does so, lost in the world of a population of two. Literally. The cafe consisted of me and her, me bored to death and Ruby working. Her hair was in a pony tail so that you could the golden highlights more clearly now. It was the first thing I noticed about her. Then there was her face. Stressed, I thought, she might be stressed. She had eye bags under her eyes, small ones but noticeable. Her lips still had lip gloss and her cheeks looked like they have blush on them. Her eyes were still melting chocolate, wonderful as she looked deep into my eyes when she took my order.

I lay back to my chair, watching Ruby place the equipment she used to clean  the counter. Her eyes met mine, for a very long time. But I didn't break the contact. I have heard that eye contact was intense, real and breathtaking. Ruby was too far away for me to see her eyes but I imagined them up close to me. With those lips on my lips. She moved, walking to my direction.

"Do you mind?" She questions, pulling a chair out after a moment of hesitation. I didn't say anything as I let my elbow drop on the table. I grabbed a cookie from my mini plate, this time taking my sweet time eating them then I would. I was watching my weight this time, since I'm going to the club and all.

"So, you work all day here now" I say, clearing my throat afterwards since it's been so long since I talked. Ruby shook her head, the tip of her pony tail lightly touching her cheeks. I observed the corner of her lip curve into a small smile, cheeky and harmless.

"No, I just work a little more to get out of the house and get some money" she answered, running her hand over her forehead. I could tell she tried looking  any where but me and I don't know why. I did the same realizing how much I'm staring at her.

"How do you get a job?" I ask, actually serious. That got her attention and she leaned back crossing her legs. She wore black jeans with the cafe shirt tucked in. On top is an apron. I pictured a sex scene of her and me in the kitchen.

"Well you look for one to apply for it and hopefully get the job" Ruby answered sweetly, prompting her hands on the table. I watched them play with each other as I brought my own
together, raising goosebumps with each touch.

"I want a job to keep myself busy and you know get paid. Though I'm  not sure what to do,"

"As a starter or..."

"Yes and something I wouldn't mind getting up for"

"Maybe research some things that you like and see of there's a job. I chose this cafe because I love cooking and being a waitress"

"Have you always been here or its been a while?"

"A year actually," Ruby chuckled, a sweet melody sound erupting from her mouth. I felt dirty and guilty for thinking so dirty. I wanted her to like me and hopefully be friends. "I got the job on desperate need because it was short on staff and nobody came anymore and since then its been like second nature."

"Wow, I never worked in my entire life...well if you exclude house chores"

"Really? Then how do you buy stuff?"

"My parents"

"Ahh, I see" she stole a cookie from me, taking small bites from it. "Do they spoil you"

"Are you kidding me? Wakanda African household spoil their children."

A sweet sound roared from Ruby's mouth as she laughed at my joke. I loved the movie Black Panther and to be able to use the joke outside the pack and home felt warming and nice. I felt like I at least made a friend here and I felt proud of myself.

I'm just as a werewolf as you areOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant