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For the next day of the week, I preceded my day as usual. Wake up, showered and ate breakfast knowing the truth. It was a bit harder for the day to go on without mother but I preserved through managed to control the children by myself besides other workers. I was at work, playing with the pack's children and tried my hardest not be caught up with my own internal thoughts. It was bad enough that I couldn't be more obvious that my family's scandal is on full display and my mind not working with my body. I've been caught countless times being distracted, not talking quick enough and not reacting quick enough. So I've set myself to focus on one child this time, since the others are all busy coloring in papers.

The child was a boy, no more then a toddler learning to walk as he grabs on things to pull himself up. I loved the younger children- the babies to be in fact and this was a perfect distraction. His name is James. Beautiful blue eyes, yellow/white  skin and soft rosy cheeks. He is a little chubby meaning that he's fed well. I almost reach out to him, twirl his little fingers around my fingers and feel them tightened in his hold. James is astonishing. I could hold him all day but that would be hostage and I have to let him be free. I wasn't sure if I felt the same.

Last night, my family made it known that it was my fault that mother is jail. I didn't know how but they all concluded that I'm human. I don't think I am now but I know for sure that they realized my true nature. I'm found. Exposed. Lost and in extreme need to be in Tucker's embrace.

"Abello." A voice called. I shook my head back into reality, silently scolding myself for going deep in thoughts. My eyes scans for James, watching him play with a building blocks. Looking up, The prince was standing near him.

Nathan looked as better then ever. Like the adult life suited him better as he turned into the man he probably envisioned himself. His hair looked trimmed, carefully laying on top of his head and his strands astraying from his eyes. He wore no smile this time, instead a concerned look plastered on his face. The clothes he wore- dark jeans and white shirt- made it known that he was causal at the moment. I tried not to look into his eyes, tried to not be lost in them chocolate pearls but a single glance had me wanting more view.

"Abello." He says again, this time getting my full attention. I still don't reply. I stay quiet, not knowing what to say after my embarrassing moment of checking him out and losing to my thoughts again.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asks, fishing his hands into his pockets. I glance at my crossed legs, bypassing my leggings and polo shirt to his Nike shoes.

"Yes." I more of stated. I'm still speechless. "Whats up?" I went on.

"Nothing much. I heard you're  back..." he trial on as if the words in his head are trying to get to me. I waited for him to talk to me via mind link but nothing came up. He also must've think I'm human too.

"Yeah..." I trial on, not knowing what to really say. I mean, I remembered his confessions. The crush he has on me. Does he still love me? I wasn't sure and I shouldn't worry. I already have a boyfriend.

Silence fall between us and as if the memories of each other in the past years have all vanished. It become a sad memory. Things taking turn to how little you truly know someone.

"Alpha Tadeo is looking for you. Said that I should escort you there." Nathan said, shrugging his shoulders. I thought the rumors of my family scandal reached his ears but I also know that he isn't trying to judge. The shrug must've been that he doesn't know what the Alpha wants for me.

I stood up, wiping my bottom and then quickly scan the childcare for my manager. She cane out of her coop, nodding that I could leave. She must've heard our conversation or she saw it coming. Though I couldn't help but hoped that she would refuse. She would refuse to allow me to live through more of the troubles. I mean, yeah I should sort it out first thing but I wanted to run away. At times like this I realized Tucker's intention of our week vacation. I wished I was still there instead.

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