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I felt kisses along the planes of my shoulder blades, moving towards my neck and then finally at the corner of my lips. I felt a heavy weight on top of me considering that I'm laying on my stomach with my hands on the side. Tucker's fingers glides in between my own, resting on top of mine as he kisses my shoulder. I smile contently, loving the way Tucker kisses me ever so lightly.

He shifts his weight on one side, taking the opportunity to make me move a little as he snakes a hand under me and touches my breasts. I felt his thumb running over my soft skin, then my nipple as they harden at his touch. I bit my lip at the sensation, swallowing a moan. Tucker pulls away, his head resting next to mine as his breath fans my face. He then moves near my ear, blowing cool air like he trying to wake me up.

"Wake up my baby, " he says, licking my skin at the back of my ear. I shiver, my mouth agape. "There's something I want to say, Abello... but I'm struggling to. Well it isn't a struggle in my head, 'cause it isn't out loud though my wolf and I... both of us... love you... I love you, Abello."

My heart skips a beat, blood rushing rushing all over my body because how fast my heart is beating. I felt myself stopping breathing, my head pounding for a long minute and a flash appeared in my mind. I saw purple eyes, a alienate color against the dark background. A wolf shape took form, its fur a light grey that it could appear grey. When I started breathing again, the wolf dissolves itself into my consciousness but I knew it's there. I could feel its presence, feel its purple eyes on me.

I love you too.

A voice spoke. That wasn't my own but something else in the midst of my mind. I search for the wolf, trying to wake its appearance. It appeared- the face only.

I didn't reply to both of them. Kept my eyes closed for Tucker and just stared at my wolf. I wondered if it can hear my thoughts, maybe even make them up for me as well. My thoughts didn't reach far as I felt Tuckers lips again, those soft touches on my back. I felt teeth mark, deepening into my flesh as I picture them on my dark skin. I felt my heart racing as Tucker scraps his teeth across my back, his tongue poking out and licking me. It was if I could feel exactly the taste buds of his tongue, felt every drop of saliva landing on my back. The hickies feels like I'm being sucked like a vacuum, tongue licking the wound before placing a soft kiss on that very spot.

In addition, my vision of my wolf changes. It closes its eyes, and of what felt a hum can be heard as electricity runs its course all over my body. I felt hot- so fucking hot.

"So what do you say Abello?" I hear Tucker ask, kissing upwards to my neck. I felt his hands on top of my head wrap, attempting to give me a head message. "Do you love me too?" He continues, hands dipping to my breast again. I gulp silently, my own hand itching to move. I wanted to say it back to him. Though my mind and my body are not together.

My wolf opens its eyes, staring at me as it keeps quiet. I felt as if it's waiting for me to say something.

Say it him.

The wolf spoke though its mouth did not move. Its words lasted longer in my mind, the thought invading my space as if it's more significant then my own. I came to the conclusion that it can hear my thoughts. Aren't we not one?

Only when you give me a name.

The wolf replies to my thoughts, its eyes still glued on my direction. I take a second to fall back into reality, feeling Tucker make small circles on my hips. I sigh again, my body waking up from its resting phase into something more mobile. I wiggle my toes first, then my fingers to alert Tucker of my waking. Then I briefly glance at my wolf, a second too long before replying,

I'm just as a werewolf as you areDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora