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My eyes scans over the trash of my room, thinking that we've been robbed. Five millions times by wolves perhaps. There were scratches on my walls and cardboard. Books were flying everywhere and my cloths on the floor, mostly ripped. The mirror on the cardboard was left untouched, as well as my bed. I jerk my body up, groaning in pain as I got a better view my room.

For a long time I sat still, eyed everything closely as my mind circulate back to yesterday to find what exactly happened. I remembered coming home from work and eating silently with my family. I vaguely remember going straight to sleep, my body heating and burning with pain. I don't remember much from there, after going into the deep slumber of sleep that I don't even know if I was in my own body.

I raise my arms to my view, noticing the small hairs on my smooth brown skin and then my finger tips a little bruised. My knuckles hurt, my arms legs and mid region. I felt as if I was run over or a surgeon Doctor operated on me to fix the structure of my bones. I drop my arms and wiggle my toes. I inhaled, exaggerating on lifting my chest and then exhaled, deflating my chest.

I wiggle back into my covers, taking note of the sun shining through my half ripped curtains. My eyes stare the ceiling, feeling my skin raise with goosebumps as I experience a sensory override. I panic a little, my heart picking up its speed as it overfills my ears. I felt that headache coming- pounding hard like someone is hitting me. It lasted for a few seconds and I let myself linger to my subconscious.


I called for my wolf, hoping for a reply. I feel so lost.


Olivia spoke softly, quiet like a mouse. I found myself lost for words, unable to speak cuase there's nothing to say. I guess I only wanted a confirmation that I wasn't human.

I tried it again.

Tried what.

To change when you're sleeping. You're more relaxed and less tense. But it's hard controlling this body. I don't how you do it.

You did what?

I took control.

And ruined my room. Now what dad gonna think. That's I've gone mad and trashed this place.

I'm sorry, okay. You were stressed from yesterday and I was dissappionted to dissapoint you.

Olli, but still.

I know I'm sorry.

I didn't anything back and kept quiet. I don't how to explain this to father without telling him of my new nature. Things are already complicated with mother missing. I sigh out loud, closed my eyes for a while as I think of my next move. I don't know where to go from here, what to do or say to both mother and Tabisha. I knew yesterday's encounters were just the start of this drama.

So, I decided to wake up and get ready to face on this catastrophe. I put the covers off my body, revealing my clothes from yesterday still on my body. I sigh again, seeing the small scratches and rips on my knees. I sat up, moving slowly as I stretch my limps while standing. Yawning I cover my hand over my mouth and squeeze my eyes shut. Once I opened them, I knew I was still in this nightmare.

I ignore my mess and quickly grabbed a towel. I shut the door behind me, slowly in case the rest of the family members were still sleep. I make my way to the bathroom, and for the first time, I heard the gospel music playing again. Father was cooking breakfast.

I didn't stop to say hello, hurrying myself to go shower and be out of people's hair. Stripping bare, I stare at myself in the mirror, observing my feature once again.

I'm just as a werewolf as you areWhere stories live. Discover now