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Selena's P.O.V

"Let's go out" I said to Cher, while looking down at my nails still, letting the pale blue paint dry. We finally got a girls day, since Luke and the other lads were going to have a guys night out, or you know, just order pizza and play games all night, just like every other day.

"Go out where, there I barley anything to do since we've been basically everywhere" she sighed, while grabbing a tooth pick, swirling some colors on her nails, making it a really cool pattern. She was actually really amazing at nail art, but I prefer simple, plain colors.

"Fine, lets go through all of the pictures and videos we have taken this year, and see who is more obsessed with their camera" i suggested. She smirked at me.

"Your on, I'm just saying, I love! My camera" she said. Getting out our phones, we went to the photo app, and scrolling to the very top, looking at the first picture we took. Her first picture, was one of her in the street, next to Big Ben. Mine was a picture of me and my parents, I know it wasn't a fancy place, but it was still all I had left of them. We went through about 437 pictures and videos on her phone and 429 on mine so far.

Scrolling to the next photo, it showed Cher with one of the biggest boy bands in the world. "omg! Cher, how the hell did you meat One Direction!" I screeched staring at the photo.

"Well, when I tried out for the X-Factor, I met them durning rehearsals, they're actually pretty cool lads" she smiled. "I have their numbers too, we are pretty good friends" she said. Grabbing her phone I saw more pictures of her and the boys, mostly her and Niall. I looked over to see her cheeks redder than a tomato. A huge smile came to my face.

"Cheeeerr" I dragged her name.

She looked down,blushing. "hmmm" she responded.

"Was there, I don't know, something, going on with you and Niall" I smirked at her. She looked back at me and sighed.

"Um okay, I'll just tell you my whole experience than, okay" she said, I nodded eagerly."so, it started off when i started year 11..."


Cher's P.O.V

I walked down the hallways of my school. Keeping my head down low, like usual i quickly rushed to my locker. Looking around to make sure the coast was clear. I headed for class, but was slammed back into my locker, by none other than Christopher Price. He was always trying to get with me, even though I was the girl who rarely talked, and wasn't like the other girls.

"Hey princess" he smirked at me, his hot breath on my neck.

"What do you want" i groaned, struggling in his grip.

"Well, I already told you, I want you, and only you" he whispered.

"Not going to happen" i said rolling my eyes.

"What can I do, to make you mine" he asked. Was he serious.

"Get me tickets to go on a vacation, like the X-Factor, then I'll love you"I said sarcastically.

He released his grip."done then" he said before walking off. Damn he was weird.

**Flashback Over**

"wait, so who was this guy?" Selena asked after I told her one part of the story.

"Let me finish Sel" i sighed. "okay, Yes he bought me the tickets to go, but he came with me..."


We walked into the big building taking our seats before my audition. Christopher was actually being serious when he said he would buy me tickets to the X-Factor. His arm was around my shoulder, but it annoyed the hell out of me.

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