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Selena's P.O.V

After a few minutes another limo pulled up. The window rolled down and Luke looked at me with a concerned face. I sighed and just opened the door. He scooted over and I sat down.

"I thought you had a check up" Luke said.

"I did, it was really quick and I was hungry so I came here, and I didn't have enough for another cab" I lied.

He didn't say anything. We drove back to the hotel in silence. Once we got there a few fans stood outside waiting for the boys.

"Oh my god Luke!" One girls yelled.

"Are you guys dating?" Her friend asked.

I shook my head and sighed.

"Are you okay Selena?" The girl with bright blue hair asked.

I forced a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine"

She frowned and shook her head. She walked over and hugged me.

"I know you aren't, I know a fake smile anywhere" She mumbled.

I hugged her back.

"C-Can we get a picture?" He purple haired friend asked.

I looked over to Luke who nodded.

The purple haired girl went over to a lady. The lady nodded and the girl handed the lady her phone. Luke put his arm around my waist and the purple haired girls waist and I put mine around the blue haired girl shoulder. The lady took a few pictures and handed the phone back. As we went to walked away the girls stopped us again.

"Wait! Can we get a few pictures of just you 2 together?" The blue haired girl asked.

"Um sure" I spoke.

Luke slung his arm over my shoulder and smiled, showing his dimples. He then kissed my cheek for the next picture. The girls squealed.

"Thanks!" They chirped.

We gave them a small smile and walked back into the hotel. We made our way back up to the room. He didn't say anything, nor did I. I don't know why he was being so quiet. When we got back to the room the other lads were still sleeping.

"I'm a bit tired still so I'm gonna..." Luke trailed off pointing his thumb towards the room.

I nodded and walked over to the couch. I turned on the t.v, but didn't pay much attention to it. My mind was still thinking about earlier. I really did scare Cher and a few other people I didn't even know. How was I suppose to just sit here and pretend everything was okay just for them. I'm dying and they don't know it. What if it happens again? How am I suppose to explain to them and put them in more pain?

'I have to get out of here' I thought to myself.

I looked in front of me to see Calum's laptop. Looking around I checked if anybody awakened. Silence. I grabbed the laptop and opened it up. I opened up Google and typed in 'tickets to Australia' I couldn't stay here and cause more hurt. They would get over it eventually, they did last time. My ticket costed a lot because it was a last minute ticket, but I didn't care, I just needed to leave. Before I closed Calum's laptop I clear my history. Carefully and quietly I walked to where Luke was sleeping since my bag was by the bed. I grabbed all of my things and stuffed them in the bag. Closing it quietly I stood up and looked at Luke one last time. A small tear left the corner of my eye.

"Goodbye" I whispered.

I walked quietly over to the door and opened it. Looking back at the room, I sniffed before I left. I walked down the halls to the elevator. When it opened a few girls stood there and almost screamed.

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