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Selena's P.O.V

I woke up with a headache. Oh Joy. Probably from crying so much and all the yelling. I tried to get up, but Harry's arms were tightly wrapped around me again. I placed my hands on his and pried his hands off of me. I carefully got up and rubbed my eyes. Quietly, I walked to Harry's bathroom, looking for Advil. Of course, we didn't have any. By the time I went back to the living room, Harry was awake.

"Oh, there you are" He breathed."I thought you left" He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

I groaned and let out a sharp breath.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Last night I kind of cried and there was a lot of fans yelling so I kind of have a headache" I told him.

"Fans? Crying? What the hell happened last night while you were out?"

"Well Luke showed me around London and earned his trust back, we took a few pics here and there, he posted them and his fans got kind of angry that I was with him since you know, I'm a girl and I started to cry from the hurtful words they yelled at me" I explained to him.

His jaw clenched and his eyes darkened.

"I'm gonna kill him" He whispered.

"No Harry it's fine, He stood up for me and they backed off, really I'm fine"

His eyes softened a bit and he let out a loud sigh.

"Also, can I borrow your card, I need to go to the store and get some Advil"

"Sure babe" He smiled.

I smiled back and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, before going to his room and picking out a tank top and sweats. I changed quickly and brushed my wig out. Harry walked in.

"I've already called you a cab, they're waiting outside, here's my card" He said handing me the same gold card.

I thanked him and walked outside. The cab waited for me and I got in. They drove me to the store and told me Harry had already paid them to take me to the store and back home. I walked into the store and got kind of lost. I walked up to a women who looked like she worked here.

"Excuse me, do you know where the Advil is?" I asked her.

"I was just heading that way, I'll show you" She gave me a bright smile.

She showed me an isle that had shelves of different pills. Oh this brings back annoying memories. Taking pills every single day. I looked through the shelves for a few seconds, but then I felt someone staring at me. My eyes looked to my right to see 3 teenage girls standing there. Staring at me with mixed emotions.

"Uh hi?" I said confused.

"Oh my gosh it really is you!" The blonde girl squealed.

The rushed up to me and went crazy.

"Are you and Luke dating?" The brunette asked.

"You guys are so cute, you're my OTP!" The red head told me.

"Can I have a picture with you?" The blonde asked.

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down please" I said and they immediately stopped.

"S-Sorry" The red head spoke.

"It's fine" I sighed. "One question at a time please"

"Are you and Luke dating? We saw a video and pictures of you guys in London yesterday" The brunette told me.

"No we are not dating, we are just really good friends"

"Aw, but you guys are so cute together, you're still my OTP" The red head said.

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