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Selena's P.O.V

"Excuse me miss, we've landed" I heard a soft voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a young flight attendant above me.

"Oh sorry" I mumbled, looking down.

"It's fine" She gave me a friendly smile.

I quickly stood up and noticed almost everyone was gone.

"Sorry, you just looked so stressed I didn't want to wake you up" She told me.

"oh, well thank you" I told her.

I stepped out into the aisle and walked down to the exit. It felt so weird being back here. With all of the good and bad memories. Mostly terrible things. Sighing, my feet carried me to the baggage claim. Since I was the last person off of the plane I found my bag quickly. Once I found my bag I walked outside, feeling the soft breeze blow past me. I then realized almost everyone I loved and cared about were in London or dead. I then realized I had one person left. I pulled my phone out and noticed I still had no messages or calls from anybody. My heart kind of broke, but then I knew they were probably going to be worse once I'm gone. Trying to push those thoughts out of my mind, I unlocked my phone and dialed the number I used to use almost every day.


a tired voice spoke.

'J-Jen, is that you?'

I whispered.

'Selena? oh my gosh how are you?'

She asked.

'I'm fine, but I'm back in Sydney for a while and I need a ride...'

I trailed off.

'oh gosh, um okay ill be there in a few minutes'

She told me.

We hung up and I logged onto Twitter to kill time. So far I haven't seen any thing about me. Good. I was going to Tweet something, but then stopped. I sighed and locked my phone. A few minutes past by and I soon saw a small blue car pull up. Jen opened her door and came to my side. She hugged me tightly. When she pulled away she looked at me, her eyes a bit glossy.

"I can't believe you're here" She whispered.

I nodded and sighed. Now I had to tell her too.

"Listen Jen, I've got some bad news" I began, but she cut me off.

"Selena, I know, the hospital called me when they found out, they apologized for failing" She frowned.

I let out a breath of relief.

"I just needed to get out of London" I told her.

"I understand, but you know this is the first place they'll look for you"

"Yeah I know, I just came to get a few things and sort things out before I leave again" I explained.

"You know if you need anything else I'm here for you"

Nodding I stood up.

"We should get going, I'm kind of tired too" I quietly spoke.

She pursed her lips and grabbed my bag. She put it in the backseat of her car and I got in the passenger seat.

"So do you need a place to stay or... would you prefer to stay at your old house?" She spoke.

I thought for a few minutes before deciding.

"I'll just stay at my...house" If it was still considered my house anymore.

She nodded and continued to drive. It was so awkward, like we've never met before. The ride was silent until she pulled up to my house. Memories flooded back to me from this place. My eyes were locked on the place I called my home. My mind came back to reality and I looked away.

"Well" I whispered. "I guess I'll see you again soon Jen"

"Yeah, I hope so Selena"

I opened the door to the car and grabbed my bag from the backseat. My feet made their way to the pale, older looking house. When I was at the front door I stared at it for a minute, before crouching down to the mat on the ground. I lifted it up to find a silver key in the same place. Unlocking the door, I stepped inside.

The coldness of the inside hit me. I sucked in a sharp breath as I breathed in the familiar smell of lilac, my mums favorite sent. Slowly I walked down the hall and found the light switch. When the lights turned on, all of the picture frames on the walls and small tables showed. I tried so hard to not cry, but all of this was to much. I was dying again, back in my old home with all these memories of my parents who were now dead, nobody was here for me either. I was completely alone.

"I-I'm sorry" I whispered.

Before tears could come out, I blinked them away, and headed upstairs. More pictures frames were hung up and down the walls. I tried hard not to look at them or I would have a melt down. When I reached my door I stood in front of it. 'Selena' was spelt out in front of my door with black and blue stickers. I had did this when I was 8 years old. A small smile broke on to my face from the happy memory. My eyes wondered to the last door down the hall. My parents room. Looking one last time at my door, I walked to the plain white door. I didn't hesitate to open it.

Once I opened it, I felt like crying even more. It was still the same from when the died. The same smell, everything was still in the same place. Their white and black bed was still a bit messy from when they left and forgot to make it. I slowly walked over and laid on the bed, snuggling up to the fluffy, cold duvet.

"I miss you guys" I whispered.

My eyes grew glossy. I silently cried myself to sleep once again and I knew this wouldn't be the last.

Luke's P.O.V

My eyes opened from my nap. The cold air hit me. I slowly sat up from the bed and yawned. It was still and quiet. I walked to the small kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I looked over to the counter and saw a small piece of paper. I picked it up and read it.

'You were sleeping and we didn't want to wait for you, soooo we went out, we'll be back later, maybe around 4 a.m, hopefully, byeee :)'

I sighed and through the note away.

"Selena?" I called out.

I didn't get a response. Guess she went out with the lads. I'm not that surprised. She rarely goes out or hangs out with other people. I walked back to the bed and pulled my phone out. Twitter was blowing up. Since I had nothing to do I followed a few fans, and replied to tweets. One tweet caught my eye though.

@Bella7yearsofspring: Met the awesome @SelenaGomez with @_Sammy5sos Best Day Ever!

There was an imaged attached and it showed a picture of Selena with 2 girls. Sel looked a bit sad, as if she was going to cry. She wore the same outfit as she did earlier, but the lads weren't with her. Did she leave without them? Maybe it was from when she went to her check up. I locked my phone and began thinking about the picture. Why was she crying?

I tried to think of other things, but it didn't help much. Even though I trusted the lads, I still worried about her.

'Calm down Luke, she just went out for a while, she'll be back later' I forced myself to believe.

I kept thinking and thinking about good things. Our trip around London. The memories in Australia. When she forgave me. When I found out she was alive still, it was just about the best day of my life. My mind began thinking about her more and more. More than I have ever thought about her. She means so much to me. Maybe more than a friend.

Why did it take me this long to figure it out that I want her and only her to be mine and only mine.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while and for the short boring chapter. I've been busy. Vote and Comment and I'll try to update soon again.

How many concerts have you been to?


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