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Cher's P.O.V

It's been a month and two weeks since Selena ran off. I heard that Luke saw her and she ran. He became depressed again. I felt sad I didn't get to see her, but I knew what she wanted.

"Cher?" I heard a voice, then a knock at my door.

"Come in" I spoke.

"You've got a letter from someone" My manager told me.

"Just put it in the pile where I keep my fans letters" I told her.

"I don't think it's from a fan, it came from a hospital" She told me.

I had a confused face and grabbed the letter. I tore it open. This wasn't from a fan.

Dear Cher,

You've been my best friend forever and always will be. I'm sorry I had to end it this way though. I'm going to die and I wanted to let you know I'm sorry. Sorry for leaving without telling you and being a terrible friend. But, Before I go, I want you to live your life and be happy. Work things out with that Niall fellow. Have an awesome career. I know you'll be very successful and your dad would be proud. I'm proud too. I love you forever and you've been an awesome best friend.

I felt tears in my eyes. I felt sick. My best friend was actually dying. And this time it was for real. Then a lightbulb went off. I grabbed the envelope and looked at the back. There was an address. It was the hospital she was at.

Harry's P.O.V

"Oi Harry we got mail" I heard Liam.

"Who is it from?" I asked.

"Some hospital" Liam replied.

I say up and looked at him confused.

"Open it" I told him.

He opened the envelope and the other lads walked over.

"There is two letters, one for us and one separate one for Harry" Liam spoke.

I walked over and took the letter from him.

"Read the one for all of us first" I told him.

He nodded.

Dear One Direction Lads,

No this is not a crazed fan, only someone you knew for such a short time. I'm writing you to tell you that I'm dying again and I just wanted to say my goodbyes. You were such great people and so funny. I had an amazing time hanging with some of you. Since I'm leaving I'm asking for a favor. Before I Go, I want you lads to have an awesome time being one of the worlds greatest boy bands. Zayn, marry that lovely girl Perrie. I know you two love each other, treat her well. Liam you and Sophia are such a cute couple and I wish you the best. Louis, you and Eleanor are a strong couple and I also wish you the best. Niall, hopefully you find love, and love her as much as you love food. Harry. This is the time were you read your letter now. I love you guys and wish you the best of luck.

It was silent now and they looked at me. I opened up my letter. It wasn't as long. I cleared my throat.

Dear Harry,

Before I Go I wanted to say our relationship might of not worked out, but you are a really good guy. I loved you, and still do, but not in that way. I hope you find someone you can love right this time. Make time for her and treat her well. I know that someday it will happen. I hope you have a successful life and have a family one day. I love you and the other lads as well. I'm sorry I had to say goodbye through a letter. Well, goodbye.

I held in a few tears and looked back at the guys.

"Liam give me the envelope" I told him.

He handed it to me and I looked at the back. A the hospital address was on the back.

"Get packing" I spoke.

"What?" Louis asked.

"We're going to Washington"

Luke's P.O.V

The lads and I returned back to Australia for our break. It felt good and terrible to be home. Especially with the memories. My mum had picked me and we just got home.

"Oh Luke, you got something in the mail yesterday, it's from some hospital" My mum told me, handing me an envelope.

The front of it had 'To the 5SOS boys'. I opened it and two pieces of paper fell out. They were both folded up and one said '5SOS boys' the other said 'Luke'. I unfolded it and started reading.

Dear Luke,

I know you saw me in Washington, and I saw you too. It was no joke or hallucination. I'm really sorry I ran off, but its for the best. You should already know that I'm dying again. Well I only have about a month or less so I wanted to let you know some things. I've loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you. You're sweet and kind, you deserve the best. I hate seeing you so depressed and lonely so, Before I Go I want you to be strong for me. Don't think about the past. Fall in love again with someone new. A beautiful girl that won't make you feel like you're dying. Go to the top with your band and have an amazing life. Have a family one day and be happy. I'll be watching you from above and I'll see you again soon with the Angels. I love you.

Tears were streaming down my face as I held the letter. She loved me. And now she was leaving me. I texted the lads to come over and they soon showed up. Ashton saw me crying and didn't speak. He grabbed the letter for all of us and began reading.

Dear 5SOS boys,

You were by far some of the best people I could call my friends. I know in the beginning we weren't on the best terms but that's in the past now. I love you guys so much and I'm sad I have to leave. So, Before I Go, I want you guys to be happy and forget what you ever did to me. I forgive all of you. Michael quite dying your hair so much or it'll fall out. Ashton if his hair falls out cut some of your hair off and donate it to him. Calum, you can have Luke as your cuddle buddy now. Luke. I love you. I love all of you. But this is the part were I say goodbye for good. So Goodbye.

"We have to go back to Washington" I spoke. "I saw her there and she has to still be there"

"Luke it'll be to hard to find her" Michael replied.

"No" Ashton said. "We'll find her, cause there is an address on the back" He smiled.


So this was a short chapter, just showing everyone's P.O.V when they got their letters Selena sent.


I'll update again soon. I'm almost finish with this story. So when it's done I'll be updating my new Selena story. It's Calum and Selena so check that out.


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