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Selena's P.O.V

"What's wrong?" Harry asks me once again.

"N-Nothing" I sniff and wipe my tears.

"Selena" His voice is stern. "What's wrong?"

I get up grabbing some clothes and walking towards the restroom.

"Nothing is wrong, just let it go please" I pleaded.

He followed me to the restroom, and doesn't want to let the subject go.

"Selena, tell me please, why are you crying? What happened at your friends house today?"

"No, nothing happened, now I told you just let it go, there is nothing to talk about" I repeated, trying not to to break in front of him.

I looked in the mirror to see my cheeks stained with mascara and my eyes red and puffy.

"I'm going to take a shower, if you'll excuse me" I said softly, he stared at me for a few second clearly upset, but left the restroom.

I sighed and locked the doors, making sure he would come in. I turned the hot water on and stripped off my clothes. After I undressed I slipped of the long curly wig, staring at myself once again.

"I guess you'll never have your real hair again, it's always going to be a wig" I whisper to my reflection.

Tears slowly ran down my cheeks once again. Once again I began to think.

"Why me? Why was my life like this?"

It didn't matter though. Nothing mattered. My parents were dead, and I couldn't do anything. Cancer just kept coming back to me like a boomerang, but it wasn't my fault, the doctors fault, it was nobody's fault. There was nothing I could do.

Finally I came back to reality and stepped into the steaming hot shower. I sighed loudly as the water relaxed me. For a while I just stood in the water thinking about what I was going to do.

"How am I suppose to tell this to Harry? Or my other friends?" I thought.

After a few minutes of arguing with myself I finally came to a conclusion. I had to tell Harry. We couldn't have a relationship with this huge lie wedging us apart. He would find out sooner or later. My hair wouldn't grow back, I'd be taking pills, getting more pains in my head, and I'd probably pass out everywhere.

"You can do this" I whisper to myself.

My hand reached behind me and turned off the water. I stood there for just a second before finally getting out. My trembling fingers wrapped the towel around me. Nervousness took over my body and I just sat on the floor against the wall. My life was so complicated and I had the same question I'd never get an answer to.

"Why me?"

Nobody could answer this mystery question, but God himself. But of course he wouldn't answer me, he would just let nature run its course and it would choose my future for me.

"Selena, can you please come out we need to talk" Harry's muffled voice spoke from the other side of the door.

He startled me and I honestly didn't want to talk, but I knew I had to. If I was going to be with him I'd have to tell the truth, I couldn't be like my...mum.


"Mum! I'm home" I yelled as I entered my house.

I had a really bad day on our first day of year 9. People were so rude to me and I could really use some Mum and daughter time.

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