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Selena's P.O.V

I cried just about every time I entered my house. It's been a week since my parents passed, I broke down in front of everyone at their funeral. School was a little hard too, I couldn't focus, but my teachers understood. Carol helped me when I told her, she let me stay in her office for half the day since I could barley go to any classes without my parents on my mind.

"Selena?" A voice said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, did you say something" I asked Luke sitting next to me.

We were at a small diner not to far from my house, he helped get my mind off my parents, most of the time.

"Sel, I know it's hard, but you've got to stop crying, please, I don't like seeing you hurt" he said with a worried look in his eyes.

My eyes looked down to my feet as I quickly wiped away the tear I didn't even know was there.

"So, are you going to the talent show tomorrow, the lads and I are preforming" he said smiling.

"Of course I am, I wouldn't miss it" I said forcing a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"Let's do something fun" he said out of nowhere sounding a little eager.

"Like what" I giggled taking a sip of my milkshake I had barely touch since my mind was somewhere else.

"Hmm, lets go to the mall" he said in a sassy girl voice, making me almost spit out my milkshake.

"Okay, let's go" I said grabbing his hand leading him out the diner after leaving a tip for the waitress.

We got to the mall and went to hot topic first since he needed a new band t-shirt. He bought 3 different shirts, one with blink 182 on it, green day, and Nirvana. I just bought a beanie that said 'fuck off' on it and a new pair of black skinny jeans. I dragged him to Victoria Secret since I needed some new things, but he wasn't complaining. I grabbed a blue bra with a white lace pattern on it and the matching bottoms and put it in the little shopping bag you can use. He smirked at me.

"What?" I asked, confused of the looks he was giving me.

"Didn't know you were into this kind of stuff, I thought miss goody goody would shop at Walmart" he smirked at me picking up a red thong showing it to me raising his eyebrows.

I put it back and shook my head no, he chuckled at me. I quickly grabbed a few more things so we could get out of there, he kept trying to get me to buy thongs or sexy lingerie.

"I'm hungry" he whined as we left the store.

"We were just at the diner" I groaned rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm a growing boy, I need food" he pouted showing his bottom lip.

"Fine lets go" I laughed it his immatureness.

He drove us to Maccas and ordered a Big Mac, I wasn't hungry so I just sat on my phone while he ate, he finished and I looked up at him.

"All better?" I asked and he nodded his head with a mouth full of food.

It felt nice having a friend like him to help me through this. Just as we were getting up to leave I saw someone walk through the doors, who I never thought I'd see again.

"Oh my gosh! Cher?!" I squealed as her head snapped towards me.

She was my best friend in the year 8, but she ended up moving.

"Selly?" She asked, a big smile creeping on to her face.

I nodded running to her as we hugged tightly, she was as close as I had to a sister.

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