Chapter 29- Kane.

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I turned my direction suddenly, knowing I'm what she wants, not them. Before the others could process what happened she had passed them, rushing towards me. I made it back to the two creatures and stopped, watching their creature fall. Namjoons fox sat down, facing us. Miyoung stopped to watch carefully. The rest of them did too, so I took my chances.

I placed my hand on the ground and stared at the fox. "Go." I whisper.

The fox dissipated into snowflakes, swirling around the area. I thought of heat, bringing the snow down now as water.

I created a shield of ice around me as the water clashed with the ground, sending heavy waves crashing into the others. As soon as it was clear, I let it go and rushed towards Namjoon who was just making his way through the tree line.
"Let's go!" I urge, dragging them over to the cars. We took our chances and got away, not seeing the enemy anywhere in sight.

"What the hell? Was that supposed to be an ambush?" Namjoon ran his hands through his hair as he drove.
"I don't know but this is bad. They have creatures that huge.. who knows how many they have!" Jin panics in the back seat.
"We need to start preparing for attacks at all times, we can't keep running like we did." Namjoon muttered.

"They shouldn't be too hard to take down." Jimin joined.
"They know too much about you guys to let you get close enough to hurting them. I'm the only one that went through a drastic physical change off record." I explain.

"She has a point. They got to Hoseok no problem, he was out. We need to gather more people, before they come back." Namjoon sighed.

The second we all got inside Changkyun came rushing in, clearly angry.
"What the hell? You knock me out and leave me!?"
"Not now." Yoongi growled.
"Do you have friends that hate namjoons family by chance?" I ask.

"Of course, hell is full of angry souls." Changkyun shrugged.
"They tried to surprise us with a giant creature, they hurt Hobi."

They laid Hobi on the couch near by and worked on his wounds, cleaning blood.

"I can go back and gather demons, do you think you'll be safe?" He asks, looking at Hobi.
"We can hold them off I think, we just don't know what they might pull out next." Namjoon tried to explain before his phone began to ring.

"What do you want?" He asked after putting it on speaker.
Everyone went dead silent, waiting on the response of whoever was on the other line.

"Is that any way to treat your father?"
"You just sent a group of idiots to kill us." He snarls.
"Oh them? I wasn't after you and your friends. Just the girl."
"Why? Why her?"
"She doesn't belong here. Not with you. Not even alive." He spat back at his son.
"You're sick. I won't let you have her."
"I don't want to hurt you and your friends, just hand her over."
"Over my dead body." Namjoon quickly hung up.

"I'm going to kill him." Namjoon growled lowly, throwing his fist into the wall. The wall cracked all over, coming from the hole.
"Namjoon, calm down." Jimin rushes over, grabbing namjoons wrist. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, trying to comfort him somehow.
"Jimin is right, you need to calm down. This isn't the time to lose your temper.."
"He's threatening you.. and because we won't hand you over, he's threatening the rest of us. He's psychotic!"

"Namjoon. I'll get help, just wait for me to come back." Changkyun quickly rushed off back to the basement.

"We need to make a plan. We need to get anyone that's willing to help us in this. He's too powerful." Jin joins.
"I'll see what I can do. There's a society of fallen angels I know." Jungkook stands.
"I'll help Changkyun, I'll be back in an hour." Yoongi shuffled off to the basement.

I'm a Monster. • Kim Namjoon / RM •Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora