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A/N: hi everyone. So I didn't really like how I wrote chapter 26 so I decided to rewrite chapter twenty six again......

Hope you guys are well and safe....

~Enjoy...or not!


Iris's POV

I hopped on Graven my dear pet who was clothed in armor  to protect his chest and face where it could be an easy target but still would allow him to fly if need arises..

We entered the woods,my warrior men had scowls on their faces as they were ready to slaughter any hunter in sight.

Upon reaching the clearing, we had lined in a formation spreading out east to west as we faced the hunters.
Behind these hunters were some....giants?!
The giant king came forth and had a smirk on.
Orion growled.

"Traitor!" He yelled across the clearing, his voice an angry echo that made the nearby birds flee from the alpha man's wrath and the ground shook.

Colton calmed him down as he heaved breathing heavily.

"Calm down Rion" I said in a stern voice and he bared his neck at me before he calmed down completely.

"Give up your title King Iris!" One of the hunter's said making me want to roll my eyes.

"Or what?!" I asked back in a pissed off tone. My dark demonic aura spread across the field in waves as I see fear cross their features.

"Or...Or we'll slaughter every last one of you!" He says forcing out his tone of confidence.


My demon says in my head maliciously.


My vampire added on agreeing.

"What makes you so confident that you could beat us?we're faster than your bullets and we strike deeper than them too....Malik" I tested his mind.

You know what they say,the mind is the devil's playground.

I smirked at the fear that crossed his features.

"Tell me dear Malik..." When I said dear both my mates growled.

Jealous much?

I calmed them down in the link before I continued.

"Where was I?oh yes,Malik. How's dearest Annie and your adorable baby daughter?I'm sure they'll be saddened at the news they'll soon receive....
When they receive the news that they'll be widowed mother,and a fatherless child. The odds" I said my griffin walks out of line as I walked across from left to right in front of him.

I see he's doubting that he'll win this war.
Good,cause he's no match for my kind.

"What are you doing foolish human! Fight them!" The giant king says and I see frustration cross Malik's face.

"The only fool  I see here is you! What were you thinking? That you could win this war against me and my people! NO ONE has ever won a war against us! Do you know why?its because we don't party our lives away like you size shrinking idiots and worthless humans! Now,let's get down to the sole purpose of my armour, ATTACK!" With that war broke out!

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