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Iris POV

It's about noon now,after we had woken up from our small nap,we had to get ready to announce our mating to my kingdom as well as to the other kings that are here for the meeting.

The meeting will start off after breakfast tomorrow morning. My OPP X team of professionals are back and they have slaughtered every hunter who has entered through the portal and the portals have been closed by now.
I've sent off my best warlock guards to go to the human realm called earth to seek out what caused them to open the portal. How did they open the portal? And who was using magic powerful enough to open portals that only royal blood could open.

I get dressed in tux matching Silas's black one with a gray tie.
Orion and Colton are wearing white tux with black ties.
We leave in one of my army jeep limousines as we enter the castle grounds.
We get out and soon,enter through the front door entrance where all the kings and the omegas are dressed formally for this occasion.

We take our seats at the royal table,where my council sits at along with my most trusted men who are my betas.
The other kings who cone from different kingdoms,are seated at the other tables just as big as ours.
I take out a chair for Orion and Silas follows in suit to take out the chair for Colton.

We take our seats and the foods starts to arrive by the omegas.
They bring in a variety of meat,vegetables, dishes from tropical to sea food and numerous kinds of deserts.
As well as raw meat and fresh blood for the very few vampires  in my council including both papa and dad along with Ainsley.
Evan lives far away in America with his mate Alpha Axel whom happens to have a reputation at Dark Blood pack.

Ainsley and papa are dressed in matching dress suits.
Sky blue coats,white shirt and navy blue ties while dad wore a white shirt, navy blue coat and light sky blue tie.

I can tell my kingdom is curious about my behaviour tonight.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Good evening to you all,I hope you are all doing well this evening. Now...some of you might be questioning my actions this evening towards these men by my side.
Not only have we agreed to an alliance with the werewolves,vampires and demons but I'd like to proudly announce that these 3 kings are my destined mates from the moon goddess herself...." Gasps and murmurs erupt from the crowd.

"If you are a hybrid or a guest in my kingdom and strongly disagree with our mating then I suggest you leave my lands by midnight tonight...." No one says anything as one of the omegas from my kingdom stands up in the back.

"I accept your mating your royal Highness" then one by one everyone stands up muttering the same thing the omega said.

"Thank you. Please,enjoy the night as well as the hospitality of my kingdom" I raise my glass of champagne and sip before I take my seat again.
Dinner soon ends and I'm surprised that none of the kings from the 15 kingdoms have a problem with my mating.

They all congratulate me for my mating and hope for a bright future to all 4 of us.
Dad and papa come forward.
Papa slightly dragging Ainsley who looks like he'll pass out from being in the presence of so much dominating aura.

His sky blueish gray eyes find mine and I smile sadly at him.
He doesn't want to meet my mates but he has to anyway.
Its apart of being royal.

He whimpers slightly catching dad's attention. He mumbled something to papa who sighs but nods nonetheless and let's go of Ainsley's hand.
Dad lifts up Ainsley in his arms and takes out the pacifier from his pocket.
Ainsley sucks on it softly and passes out on dad's biceps as he sleeps,drool falls on dad's coat but he looks like he could care less.
With Ainsley passed out,dad and papa cone to greet my mates.

They exchange the greetings. Papa's in tears and hugging my mates while they hug my dad's not so tall frame back awkwardly.
Dad only shakes their hands and lifts Ainsley's unconscious body more as Ainsley furrows his brows in his sleep and cuddles further into dad's chest.

"Alright. I think we'll head off to bed now and get little Ainsley out of these clothes" papa says and dad nods in agreement.
We exchange formal goodbyes and like usual papa has planned a day out in two days time.
Just afew weeks before the war.

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