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I clench my fists as I see the other black OPP X jets fly off to the werewolves realm.

Slay every last one of them,let them know we aren't to be messed with again

Copy that your highness

I get a reply back from the OPP X leader. One of my best guards whose never failed to impress me.

My beings perk up as the first scent lingers to my nostrils.

Fresh Mint.

Just then,a muscular man appears at the door way.

Werewolf King.

His eyes found mine and his eyes darken,making my eyes turn bright golden as my own Lycan self surfaces.
He smirked and got off the plane waiting though for the rest to walk out as well.

Wait-!but didn't I smell dark brewd coffee scent too?and what about the pinewood scent.

My questions are answered when the scent of pinewood becomes stronger in the air.
A man with pale skin,tall built and dark black raven hair along with red bloody rose petaled eyes stands in the doorway of the mega jet and his eyes find mine.
His eyes appear redder if that's even possible.
His fangs elongate matching my own as my vampire side surfaces.

The dark brewing coffee scent lingers in the air as I stare at the Demon king who also happens to be my mate.

Realization hits me-

I have 3 fucking king mates?!

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