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(Tatooes on Iris left chest pac and arms- smoking hot!!!!:0)

I woke from my sleep as my alarm clock beeped.

4:00 am

I got into my trainer wear and left my chambers as I left for the training grounds

Hundreds of my guards were already there.

My guards trained differently from my warriors.

In each collection,the guards trained much more different and more violent since their job was to protect their king at any cost.

My warriors training was also harsh since they had to be ready for any sort of situation.
My mythical creatures were taught by the keepers of mystics.

Who are just a bunch of intelligent elders.
Mystic creatures consisted of Griffin shifters which was about 120 families,Death wishes which were about 78 families and my hellhound shifters,these were the most dangerous shifters from the three mystic creatures.
Im the only one,powerful enough to

As I entered the spacious gym,I saw them tense  at my aura-I don't think they'll ever get used to my dark aura.

Tyson and Ryder were already there.

I really appreciated how my betas were very organized people.
"Get in line boys. We're going on a run" I smirked as I took off my shirt showing off my body covered in tatooes.

I felt the rising sun kiss my tan skin as I stretched my arms.
I towered over all my guards as well as my betas and gamma who surprisingly showed up out of nowhere.

"Those who can't keep up to my pace will stay back for an extra five hours of training. Let's GO!" I said as they run off.
I wait until the last one runs off with the crowd of strong men and woman.

I smirk as I let my vampiric side surface. I can feel my eyes turn bright red as my fangs elongated.


Came the deep husky voice of my malicious vampiric side ,Vince.
I take off into my jog,already scenting them out.

I smirk as I run a bit,although still jogging.
Soon,I climb over logs,the only clothes I have on are grey track pants,and my CK boxers.
I'm barefoot through the woods as I run.
Controlling my breathing,in no time,I'm able to catch up to them,I jump down from one of  the many large pine trees that adorned these woods, where rogues usually got lost from the shadow mists,also one of the kind creatures that I had sheltered.

They were great guard watchers since they basically blended well with these dark woods.
My witches and warlocks made these woods look and feel really horrific that even human hunters were too scared to come close to our land.

They'd hunt other kinds but never did they want to interfere with the hybrids.

If they'd try to venture even a million miles close to our lands,taking the direction to my kingdom territories,I'd send off my greatest assassins to kill their hunter leader.
Deliver the mail that I'd written and boom,they'd never venture in my direction.

Prevention is better than cure.

I don't have many allies with other kingdoms because I don't trust them,

I decide I mean business now and I run a bit fast knowing they'll notice and will try to keep up.

"I forgot to mention a little note. This is one part of your training. We'll see who can make it out of this death trap" I levitate myself to one of the higher branches of the trees where everything is clearer to see what's going on down on the forest floors.
I set up the mists to appear and Irisises fluid in the form of gas that I know hybrids are allergic to it.
Its like wolvesbane for wolves but it doesn't affect lycans like me who are immune to it.

I'm the only Lycan left though.

I watch, my eyes turning bright Gold indicating my Lycan was out to play.

I send the signal to the vampire hybrids who were in the woods in the trees-perfectly hiding their scent from my guards.

Soon,fired arrows were flying in the air.
I stared hard enough at the rising sun and smirked when I saw black dark clouds cloud over the sun's small rays of light.

I'm impressed at what I see. With the Irisises fluid in gas form in the air,the hybrid guards aren't able to shift into their other beings making this trial...interesting.
Even though they couldn't shift, I saw how majority if them were defending themselves properly.

I put my middle finger and pointing finger together as I raise it in the air.
They get the hint and fire even more arrows that are on fire than before.

I smirk as I see the huge progress that has occurred.
All hundreds of my guards are avoiding all the arrows.
Some even managed to knock down some of my archers but they don't kill them,just hold the archers to the ground.

Even through training which I call trials, they all still manage to control their bloodlust
Even though the archers were shooting them, they were able to control their bloodlust since their breeds recognized the archers as threats.

I decide to make myself know again.
I land swiftly on the ground as I signal to stop the Irisises gases,not that it affects me but to show that trials was over... For now.

"You all did good, you surprised me but I should have seen it coming with the amount of training you've been doing since day 1.
All werewolves shifters,you can shift with me,the others can just try to keep up" my voice was deep,showing a huge amount of dominance and my dark demonic aura rang for miles through this woods-giving off a "don't fuck with me" vibe

I headed off back to my chambers.
Upon entering my room,I smell my breakfast being made by papa since his scent was in my chambers.
I smell dad's scent too.

I walked straight to my master bedroom and took a shower.
After my shower,I walked out in my normal casual attire.
Unlike other arrogant kings from other kingdoms who bath themselves in their wealth and expensive robes made from innocent animals who are slaughtered every day for the comfort of their kings,I only decide to dress up during events that occur in my kingdom or other land which was a rare occurrence..

Upon arriving in the dining area,I see my parents and my youngest brother Ainsley who is now 15 sitting by the table next to papa.

"Ainsley, put away the sketchpad now kiddo" dad says softly at Ainsley who nodded obediently and puts his pad away...for now

"How was training?" Papa asks as we sit by the table enjoying breakfast while overlooking the remarkable view of the forest exterior.

"Eventful actually..._"

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