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Iris's POV

We start discussing over dinner about the trials training for my hybrid guards.

"So Ainsley. How's school going?" I asked drawing away the attention from me to my little brother whose still the shy one out of all three of us.

He looks to papa and dad and gulps while looking to his untouched food,fidgeting with his small fingers.
" got me out of school..." If it weren't for my supernatural ability at advanced hearing, I wouldn't have heard him
I give dad a look.

"He was getting bullied again by those bloodsuckers kids from the royal coven. Its still a problem though" papa sighs as I clench my fists.
My appetite long lost.

My demonic side arose as I felt my eyes and aura shift to it's deadly dark ones.

Fucking Nightcrawler's hurt baby my brother?

My demon sounded a bit shocked but extremely happy none the less.
He got an excuse to roam free,and I wasn't planning on stopping him at time soon.

This should be fun,don't you think Master Iris?

Yes. Fortunately for you,you're allowed to roam freely and do whatever you want with the bullies

Very well then your highness. As you wish

I can almost see the wheels of his head turning on different ways to make them pay.

Which one would you prefer I use your highness. Repeatedly burn them or just kill their families and cause them internal heartbreak?

Do whatever you wish. My brother or any of my family members except for father must know about your spree.
If so happens to slip to my papa,the consequences will be brutal.

Yes your highness

I got out off the mind link as we continue to have breakfast in silence.
Unfortunately I had to farewell my parents and my dearest baby brother as I had a meeting with The Clone Sisters.
Who are basically witches from the 1600's
They're pretty fucking old.

Its around 5 in the noon when there comes a knock to my double oak doors.
The marble stone sitting by my table shows the person behind the doors as I swiftly levitate the doors open letting my second in command and betas in.

"Well. What is so important that you had to disturb me from my paperwork. I don't tolerate disrespect as this betas" they flinch at my casual cold tone.

"Your highness. There's been a short meeting called for all the kingdoms urging an emergency meeting" it was Tyson who spoke.

"On what?"

"Hunters your highness. They've found the way to the realms of the first mythical creatures. Werewolves"

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