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The battle with All For One was downright destructive. All For One wasn't sure what kind of quirk his son gave to the underground hero. And all his nerves told him not to get caught.

They told him to not let the underground hero look at him with his original quirk combined with the secondary quirk

Almight took up the front and Reader head was the rear. All For One jumped back. The white binding gear wrapped around his arm. Keeping him from going further. All For One took it to his advantage and pulled the pro in

Almight coming for a blow, punched Eraser Head. Almight pulled back immediately to minimize the blow. The black lightning crackled all over Eraser head. Limit Break running wild. He grabbed All For One and threw him to Almight.

The hulking hero punched the villain in the gut. All For One was thrown back. The man got back to his feet. Almight charged at him. The villain was waiting for the right time.

The villain struck the hero's old wound. Almight winced in pain, All For One then kicked him in the chest sending him back.

Eraser appeared from behind. An Axe kick came down but the villain blocked. The Pro hero was fast and nimble. Catching himself with hands, twisting and turning and kicking the villain, trying the break his defense.

Each blow was bone breaking. All For One had enough and struck down. Eraser managed to escape the blow that tore the earth and create a crater around the villain.

The man disappeared and appeared behind the pro hero.

"Let's get rid of those eyes" Eraser couldn't activate Eraser fast enough. In a flash All For One was sent across the battle field. Almight there saving Eraser Head in the last minutes.

"Stay on your toes Aizawa-kun" Almight warns

"Take your own advice" the charged one All For One.

Gigantomachia was getting truly irritated. The pro hero he was dealing with was way to slippery. But for his master he was going to end him.

Lemillion came at the monster like a misle. Remembering the past he felt as though he hadn't done enough. This time around he was going to do more. He'll take down this villain and then he can proudly stand with his friends and underclassmen as a hero.

Gigantomachia sensed him coming. One For All active, Mirio blocked a blow. The beast was starting to catch on. The hero was thrown into fallen concrete but stood up once more. He has to take this villain down.

He launched once more. Gigantomachia brought up his hands to block the blow. Lemillion fazed through and the blow. The beast was thrown back. And he was getting madder with every moment that passed

The villains had been given back their memories.

"We are doomed" Twice shouted

"Dabi was taken out" he cried

"He was never one of us" Compress told him. Remembering the previous timeline he didn't feel like going through this again. Not after witnessing how much Shigaraki had fallen.

He didnt care when the man decayed even Toga. And making him lie to twice. The man that was a villain but was to earnest to be one. Compress saw these guys as friends. His fear for Shigaraki had grown and he thought he'd be safest if he surrendered. But know it was battle to the death.

Toga remembered and she had been trying to hold it together. Spinner, spinner wasn't around during that moment and he has no clue about what happened.

They were on their own. Shigaraki had gone of on his own. Twice clones were swarming the  place. Many making Nomu clones to booth.

The new batch of Nomu clones were up. A streak of lightning came and the first line was gone.

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