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Bakugo alone came back. Jirou ran up to him. The look on his face was all she needed to know that her lover was not coming back

"What do we do now?" She asked. Her knees were shaking. She looked would drop at any moment.

With a grim look, Bakugo gave his answer

"We retreat" he told them.

The heroes numbers were dwindling, and the citizens needed to be evacuated.

"Alright everyone Listen up!!' Bakugo shouted for all to hear

"Im taking around here now!"

Everyone began to murmur whether he should be in charge. They definitely thought that he would yell out for everyone to pick up their asses and go fight.

"Pick up your asses and help the others who can't pick theirs up. We are retreating!"

Everyone stopped in shock

The pride filled ground Zero is running away

"We have no chance of winning, but there is always another day, so let's start moving!!!"

"Bakugo..." Jirou mused.

His face was covered in a grim expression. Of course it would. Kaminari and Kirishima were his true friends

Word spread that the heroes are retreating. All the way to Izuku and All for One.

All For One went after the heroes. Izuku matched his speed and sent the villain back with black whip.

The heroes stood on guard. Izuku turned to them. beaten and bruised with blood dripping from his head.

"Follow Kachan" he huffed

"Follow ground Zero" he said once more to clarify who

The heroes hesitated and that was when All for One emerged and struck the earth. The ground broke in two heroes and civilians fell in.

Izuku shot out black whip. He managed to catch most of them but he missed one. A child. He couldnt reach him.

The child was going to die. His fear filled scream echoed in Deku's ears. But flash of black and pink zoomed past his line of vision and the child was gone

As though summoned to give him hope, was  Uravity. His one and only Uraraka Ochako.

She looked at him straight in the eyes. Her eyes were filled with worry, and fear but she hadn't lost hope. A fiery determination gave Deku hope.

"Deku GO!!!" She's cried and with that he left child to her

All For One was getting tired of this pointless brawl. Looking around he could see that he had finally won. Shigaraki was raining down destruction. The number one villain title now belongs to him

All For One had come to terms that he is no longer needed. He had won.

The heroes began evacuating everyone out of the city. Bakugo making sure no one is left behind.

Up in the sky he could see. Blasting back Nomus that came fort. This was the day many had lost hope.

All For One could see all the destruction that was done. Far and wide. Izuku came in once more but this time at full power.

The Nomus had spread all over the nation. Live news reports reported that half the country had been destroyed. By Nomus and two other monsters.

Izuku clenched his teeth. The guilt was surfacing. His hope disappearing. Is anger raging.

"why don't we end this now boy" came All For One.

Izuku stopped in his tracks. A bad feeling was bubbling up in his gut.

"Look around boy no matter how much you fight you will only cause more destruction"

Izuku burst out in a fit of rage. With all of his power Izuku threw a punch. But All For One dodged by a hairs breath and used tge young man's power against. All For One had hardened his hand and drilled it into Izuku's stomach on his onslaught

The hero got thrown back crashing through piles of debris. The hero rose to his feet, only to collapse again and cough out blood.

"Its time to end this" With those words All For One began his final act

It felt as though the air was getting thinner as though the villain was creating a vaccum. Izuku looked up to him. He instantly knew what he was about to do

He got to his feet. He needed to stop him. If he does what his about to do then everything will disappear. The villains had already moved on. Everything else will be wiped out.

All for One was going to self destruct.

Izuku couldn't get up. The pain had taken over. He was in so much pain. He couldn't get to him. Dread filled in his stomach. Hope long gone. The remaining people and heroes. He needed to do something

But suddenly once again, a blur of pink and black crossed his vision. Uraraka appeared before him once again. He watched him run to the villain

Before All For New it Uravity had activated her quirk on him. And with all her strength she threw the villain into the sky. It didnt matter. All For One would still blow everything up. All Uraraka could do was send him up high to minimize the damage and thats what happened

In a burst of light, All For One self destructed. The force destroyed every remaining building that was standing. The heroes braced themselves. Bakugo releasing repitive explosions blowing the danger that came fort

Izuku was blinded by the light and thrown back by the force. Uraraka lost from his vision.


Thinking back now, Izuku didn't want to remember. He didn't want to remember rising from the rubble only to find Uraraka so close to death. He didnt want to remember her dying in his arms.

Training was over for the day. Aizawa ordered them all to rest. The Shiketsu studenst as well.

There on a bench shaded by a great tree was him and Uraraka. The girl was fast a asleep from all that training. Her hand intertwined with his.

He wasn't going to let her die, not again.


A/N: Hi there.... Hahahaha... So sorry for the really long wait. I can't remember the last time a updated

But anyway here is an update. I haven't abandoned this story just in case your wondering. We finally out of the flashback and back in to the present.

Things will start progressing now so stay tuned

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