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"Go back to hell!!!" Bakugo shouted as he blasted the villain

"I'll kill you brats for Last time" The villain shouted and thrashed about

He grabbed Bakugo flung him into the sky. Blasting back Bakugo came back charging

Izuku ran around the villain with One For All. Green sparks dancing all over him. He shot out black whip to the sludges eyes but the slippery villain split and the black whip struck fallen debris from the wreckage.

The villain chuckled at Izuku's failed attempt only to be slammed from the back by Izuku pulling back the fallen wall.

The villain grew irritated and started multiplying. Izuku struck the ground with an ice quirk but the villain kept swarming, overpowering the ice and swarming Izuku.

Izuku felt it go down his throat. The suffocating feeling he once felt moments before meeting Almight for the first time. He couldn't breath. But hell as if he was going to die here.

Gathering all the power he had in him, he pushed back. Releasing a shock wave scattering the sludge

Izuku gagged the rest of the sludge he got shoved down his throat.

"Die!!!" the villain shouted and launched at Izuku

"HOTWIZER IMPACT!!!" Bakugo shouted out his special move as he came blasting the villain back from Izuku

He landed in front of Izuku AMD started repeatedly blasting the sludge. Bakugo was faster and hotter than ever before.

Izuku couldn't help but look on with a bit fear. Izuku used a sight quirk called weak point and Immidiatly found it.

"There!" Izuku shouted and pointed

Bakugo grabbed the main sludge. Its body started glow then....


In self destructed. Its weak point, the brain went flying. The sludge began to collect itself, Izuku was about to go for the brain but a rock beat him to it.

He turned and saw in pitching stance.

"Go back to where you came from!" The moment the rock hit the neural organ it exploded.

The sludge went limp. Its clones now all going limp and becoming black slime. Students that were fending the clones off, cheered as the villain was defeated

"Its over?" Izuku asked

"I don't think so" Bakugo says

Every defence system in the school was active. They were trapped in

"What was that Villain's goal" he asked Bakugo

The boy didnt have an answer he just huffed and wiped the grime of his face.

"Midoriya!!!" Both boys turned around to see the girls running to him

Ashido being in the lead reached the boy first. She grabbed onto him, she was in a panic, eyes filled with worry and streaming with tears

"It took her, the villain got Uraraka!!" She cried

So that was its goal. So that was the villains goal. To get her. The only thing in their way to get to him

Izuku teleported himself but he couldn't get out. Electricity struck him. He appeared right above UA grounds. A ripple effect was created above as blue energy flowed down to the walls. Izuku crashed down, thrashing violently in pain

UA was on full lockdown. A forcefield over head. Meant for keeping those with warp or teleporting quirks out.

"Midoriya shonen" Almight shouts worried

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