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Inko was with Eri. Both of them were having the hardest of times. Inko couldn't sleep and Eri kept on waking up from nightmares

The good days were she would walk hand in hand with Deku and Uravity whenever her adoptive father Aizawa was too busy was now feeling like a distant dream.

She cried every night. And Inko had yo hold her and try to put her to sleep. Taking care of her was a distraction she needed. Her heart ached for her son...

Eri's head laid on her lap as she lovingly and gently stroked her head. Something suddenly dropped.

Both turned around quickly. No one was there. Inko stood up and walked to the source of the sound. Eri right behind her.

Eri began to grow her horn. Aizawa told her when in danger don't be afraid to use her quirk. In this moment, she took that advice to heart. And right now in this moment, fear gripped at the little girls heart as it did for the older woman.

They crept closer to the sound but then....

The door bell rang.

This caused both to jump. Inko took Eri's hand and both headed to the door. Inko shook as she reached out to the door.

The door opened to reveal

Yagi Toshinori

"Inko!!!" Yagi cried as he threw his arms around the woman and held her close

"Thank god!" He said

"What's wrong? What happened?" Inko asked sounding worried

Fear was in her eyes. It was mirrored by his.

"We have to get you to a safer place. You and young Eri..." And that was it. Eri wasn't behind them

"Eri!!!" Inko cried and a muffled scream was heard down the hall

The couple ran down to find the girl being held hostage by Toga Himiko. A blade to her neck as the woman was grinning wickedly behind her

She had tears in her eyes

"Let her go!!!" Almight charged but another villain appeared before him and kicked him back.

"Its been two years and I still can't believe this is what the former number one has become" came Mr Compress

"Hey can I make this one bleed" Toga says cutting close to Eri neck

"Don't you dare touch her" Inko used her quirk to pull the knife out of Toga's hand. Eri broke free from her hold and faced the villains.

She was not the same little girl that was saved by Deku. No. She grew and got stronger. She can control her quirk.

Her horn grew and power surged through her.

"I guess you can kill this one" says Mr Compress

Toga was filled with glee as she pulled out more blades. She charges at Eri. The girl didnt have time to react, but a large figure blocked her part.

It was Almight. Yagi took the blade. Its new home now in his side.

"Yagi!!" Inko cried out in horror.

She pulled him towards her.

"ERI RUN!!!" Inko shouted.

The girl was stunned. She didnt want to leave them.

"I said run Eri!!!" The girl listened and bolted for the door. Toga got in her path ready to stop her but.....

By instinct she leaped away. Eri came in contact with the door and it turned to nothing. Toga knew she should've gotten rid of her when she has the chance

"Tch... Let's go" Mr Compress turned to Inko and Yagi and with his quirk they turned into marbles

"What do you mean Deku has All For One" Bakugo asked in disbelief

"Its as I say, Midoriya has All For One. His just like him... A natural born holder of that quirk"

"Does that mean..." Iida didn't want to finish that sentence

"All For One is his father" Shinso says in disbelief

Kamimari looks down to the ground. As he he nodded in confirmation

"If its like that we have to get him out right now"

"All For One is pulling out every single bit of negative emotions he has in him and is feeding him with his own.... He told me to leave and save everyone but I can't just leave him there"

"So please" Kaminari was on his knees his head bowed low as he begged

The others didnt know what to do

"Shut the fuck up and pick yourself up dunce face... You'll pay for your crimes later, now we have to go save Deku's ass" Bakugo says giving him a hand

The others huffed a smile and agreed. Now they were heading back to UA to tell them they found Deku.

Eri was running. She couldnt stop. She was running through the streets. Looking for a hero for someone to help her. For someone to save them.

She suddenly ran into someone.

She looked up.... Recognized him Immediately

"Dad!" She cried put to Aizawa

Aizawa was with Mic. He was going to deliver the news to Inko Midoriya when a sudden force bumped into him. Next thing he knows his leg is attacked with a hug

"Dad!" In shock he looked down to see his adoptive daughter

She had been calling him dad ever since Mirio and Deku explained what a dad was to her. It was right after watching the lion king. He accepted his fate and doesn't regret it.

But right now he was feeling like a hopeless parent

"Almight and Aunty Inko!!!" She cried. She clung to Aizawa in fear. She was shaking in fear as she cried out in worry

"You have to save them dad!!" Eri cried

"Villains... They came and Almight saved me but... Dad!!!" She sobbed into Aizawa's shoulders as he picked her up

Aizawa's and Mic's eyes grew wide with horror.

"Sorry Eri you have to head to UA on your own...." He sat the girl down

"Things are going south way to quickly" Mic said. He was already running to the Midoriya residence

"We'll be right back.... Call Midnight or any of the other teachers and when you get to UA stay there and wait for me, ya got that" he asked

Through the tears Eri nodded. Aizawa was off running after Mic. Eri ran the other direction heading straight to UA

They arrived and Mic kicked down the door. They rushed in only to find a small pool of blood.

"Damn it!!!" Mic shouted

"We were to late!" Aizawa growled

"Toshinori!!!" A voice shouted

Aizawa recognized that voice. An elderly man jet legged into the room. Literally.

"Yamada!? Aizawa!?" The man questioned looking confused

"Gran Torino!?" They questioned in return

He saw the pool of blood. The elderly hero clenched his fist and punched the wall

"We were to late" he growled

"What are they going to do with them" Mic asked worried

Gran Torino looked grim.

Aizawa's gut filled with dread.

"They're going to try and break the boy... We have to find him quickly!!!" The old pro was out faster than the two

Heading for UA. They need to regroup and come up with a plan

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